elemental stones

faes levelled up again after killing the fire lion and shawn getting to core strengthen stage 5. faes really didn't wanted to level up anymore as she knew that aiden would make her train more and more if her cultivation rises speedily. faes can even see the sparkling in his eyes as he thought of how to train her from now on or what changes to make in her routine.

faes submitted to her fate as aiden walked to where she was standing with a grin.

aiden had sensed the bloodlust around faes when she was killing the twins and was not sure what had they done to make her that angry, even he had felt scared for a moment but he calmed down as he knew faes wont hurt him or his child. when faes finished breaking through he approached her. he wanted to laugh at the face she was making but controlled himself. he knew exactly what she was thinking

"your close combat is still weak you will train more in it from now on until you can kill a knight establishment with just your pure strength and sword qi." aiden said

sword qi was a term to describe the qi that is resonated with weapons while fighting. if it is with sword then it is sword qi if it is with saber then it is saber intent and so on. faes had learned about it before so she just nodded and accepted whatever changes aiden would do to her training.

"but before all that we need to clean this place" aiden sighed he didn't liked cleaning up but for faes to not be much bothered afterwards they have to do it.

"alright i will just burn them all" faes nodded but aiden stopped her

"we have to do something else before burning them follow me" aiden took faes to where the dead bodies were and then began checking them. faes stood silently flicking her sword to clean it and putting it back in its sheath. she saw aiden collect some pouches and rings along with other jewelry and show them to her.

"we cant let these go to waste when we can use them can we?" aiden grinned making faes facepalm. he cant be seriously taking those things from the dead but he had a point why waste when you can use them.

"remember supplies and other things no matter how small or how big sometimes comes in need. no matter what do not waste them here help me collect everything" aiden said going to others while faes sighed

'system scan everything these people have of value and their location on body' faes said sighing

[sure host scanning.....] the system voice sounded and soon

[scan complete]

faes sighed glancing at the list and collecting the items directly not bothering to check for something else outside of the list as it covered most of the things such as weapons, watches, jewels, and many other things.

aiden and faes gathered together again and faes handed him all the things she had collected in a spacial ring.

"you got quite some things" aiden checked the ring and commented but faes just shrugged she only collected what the list contained.

"fine i see these people have quite some good quality elemental stone if you want you can keep anything from these once we get back home" aiden told faes

"alright i also want to know more about these elemental stones you have to tell me once we are back and rested let me just clean this place up" faes replied while she sent out her high temperature fire around the dead bodies burning them completely so that not even ashes remained.

they both then got back to cave and went to clean themselves. the burns faes had were now healed but she was dirty which she didn't liked much. one in the room faes went to her space and cleaned up getting back to the living room of the cave when she was done. aiden was waiting for her with different spacial rings placed on the table.

"i was just waiting for you come and sort the things you need no need to be shy i don't lack anything if you want take them all" aiden laughed patting the seat next to him.

faes sat and glanced at the rings before picking them up and checking what they contained. the rings had different kind of things some had elemental stones some had weapons while some had herbs or medicines. there were potions, jewelry, clothes, armor, even gold and silver and other ores and metals.

near the rings there were watches too that the attackers wore.

"i just want some elemental stones and that will do also some herbs will be great." faes said to aiden making him laugh again loudly

"i told you take whatever you want why are you behaving like that? here i am trying to spoil you and you"

faes turned red but took the elemental crystals and herbs she didn't wanted anything else so she left them.

"you really!" aiden sighed as he noticed what faes did. he cant do anything in this case so he decided to ignore them for now. he then asked for faes to show her watch. confused faes gave her watch to him while he played with it.

"it really is damaged you will need a new one until then i cant do anything" 'sigh' aiden sighed returning the watch to her. aiden then picked up the watches placed on the table and began to turn them on before transferring the points in his own making faes eyes go wide. she really didn't knew what to think about this aiden was a king for gods sake yet he behaved like a local thug taking all the money and other important things from the people he killed.

aiden can understand what faes was thinking by her eyeseven when she didn't show much expression.

"don't look at me like that its normal in this world remember strong rules" aiden reminded faes.

"you were going to tell me more about elemental stones" faes changed the subject taking aiden's focus away from the following long reminder.

"yeah right so elemental crystals or elemental stones are the concentrated form of the particular elemental magic particle. if it is a fire stone or fire crystal then it is solid form of magic particals belonging to fire element. they are formed when the magic particles gather at high concentration near natural resources such as lava pits, volcanoes, oceans, and other places. there are also qi stones similar to elemental stones they are different types of qi which gets solid due to concentration but most common is spiritual qi stones along with the basic four elemental stones while others are hard to find"

aiden explained as he continued to transfer the points in his watch.

"these stones are used by cultivators and mages in various ways. some cultivators use them as source to absorb the particles and qi in the places where they lack naturally some use them in increasing the time of spell casting as they can gather the elements easily with the help of the stones. there are also formation masters who use the stones to create formations which serve as per their will. the elemental stones can be used in many other things like decoration, in strengthening the armors and weapons, some even use them as currency to exchange for resources"

"there are also other elemental stones other than the basic elements such as lightening, space, spirit, telepathy, light, dark and blood. they are rare and can only be found by luck or formed due to high resonance with the element. dragons are also born with a particular elemental crystal joined to their body which represents the element which they have most affinity to like me" aiden paused before pulling his shirt apart and pointing to the crystal on his chest which was deep red in color.

"my affinity is greatest with fire as i am a phionix but that does not mean that i can only use fire" aiden told giving faes a serious look before continuing the transfer of points

"the dragon crystals are slightly different than the elemental stones as they are connected to the dragon's spiritual force and when they are take away from them before their death the dragon goes berserk before eventually dying"

faes heard what aiden was telling with complete focus but she can sense sadness aiden emitted when he told her about the dragon crystal making her wonder what caused him that much pain to make him this sad. could it be that its related to his wife? 'a high possibility' faes thought but a question was nagging her curiosity

"what will happen if its taken after the dragon is dead?" faes asked tugging at aiden's sleeve

"nothing it will just turn into just a simple elemental crystal while the dragon will turn back into their dragon form and the soul leaves the body" aiden sighed. he remembered how his love died giving birth but that was not the whole truth. she died due to other reasons which he never told anyone not even his brother or blake who he was closer to as a family. he wanted to tell faes but he didn't as she was not really his own blood and he only met her few months ago. he didn't wanted her to worry about such things so he left them out and focused on other things.

"the dragon crystals are not only elemental crystal bond to the soul of the dragon but they can also work as best healing medicines and can even save someone on the brink of death except the dragon they are bond to. the crystal only serves as a elemental crystal which helps the dragon to get stronger at a faster rate than other races and makes them stronger." aiden told confusing faes

"if the dragon dies then their own crystal doesn't save them? then who do they save, other dragons or other races?" faes asked

"the dragon crystals doesn't save dragons they can save other races but mostly they have highest healing effect on humans. that is the reason humans attack dragons but that was in the past now dragons are stronger than humans though they does not have enough population a single dragon above king establishment can destroy their whole kingdoms. ever since the fight between kailial and the fallen god the world of lore divided into two and only remained half of what it usually was. ever since then the cultivators whether they are humans, dragons, beastman, elves or fae they all got weaker and now there are not many who are above king establishment stage." aiden sighed. he was one of the few who was above king establishment yet he didn't knew many others who are above or at king establishment. 'if there are those strong people out there they hid well'

"so that means when the similar person to kailial arrives the world will get powerful beings again?" faes asked already knowing the answer.

"yes" aiden nodded then smiled, he really wanted faes to be the person from the prophecy but if he told that to her then she will be in danger. he will leave some things for faes and his child before he dies so that he can guide her even when he wont be there.

aiden got lost in thought while faes began to get angry and frustrusted 'that damn kailial again! why is she that similar to him and why does he cant get out of my head?'