
after both Aiden and faes finished their lunch happily they went to the living room where Aiden turned the tv screen which faes learned was not just a tv. it also served as an all-rounder. one can watch movies, series, and news on it, play music, they can even use it to do video calls after connecting to their watches. there were also other functions like shopping and many more.

faes had been in awe when she first learned how to use it from Aiden. the technology in this world was far ahead in some points while not in others compared to earth.

Aiden opened a shopping site on the screen and showed her a picture of a necklace.

it was a plain chain made of similar material of her choker band but was long in length and thin in size. there was a pendant attached to it which contained a single purple gem just like amethyst. the gem sparkled like it held countless stars in it attacked to the chain by a natural vein and leaf pattern which seem to be made of similar material as her ten-pointed star in her choker.

when faes looked at it her mouth opened unconsciously. she thought that only her choker had the special privilege of being made by the fallen god bones and blood, but now it does not seem to be the case.

"this thing i saw in a very old and rusty store once when i was out strolling in the dragon kingdom capital. it felt powerful and powerless at the same time. i asked the shopkeeper about it but he didn't knew anything and even after asked many experts we found nothing about this piece of jewelry."

aiden told faes

"but my choker is made of similar material and it is powerful even without the bloodstone! it had to be way too costly!" faes said astonished yet calm and most of all curious.

"i now know its powerful but we didn't at that time. the shopkeeper even tried to sell it without any cost once! it was good that i found it in time and kept it from getting into wrong hands" aiden was really relieved that he found the necklace when he did.

it was in the past when he was still a king and was roaming in his capital looking for something fun to do after a whole day of tiring work. he had decided to buy something for his wife so he went to the jewelry shops. he had found this when he entered an old worn-out shop by luck with intention of finding something special.

the old man had shown him this necklace and it had take his interest the moment he saw it. when aiden had asked about its origin and material it was made of he found that the old man had found it by luck when he went to the forest to collect some herbs and ores to make the jewels. it was just laying on the ground in forest and when the old man tried to check its origin he found nothing.

the old man tried to give it to aiden for free even if he didn't want it but aiden didn't want something whose origin was unknown. who knows whether it contains some kind of curse?

so aiden and that old man decided to ask other experts about it but even after a long time, no one found anything about it not even what kind of material it was made of. since no one knows anything about it aiden decided to keep it away until they find something about it. it was still in that old shop but aiden had placed a seal over it and it was well hidden until he removes it.

"it is not for sale currently i sealed it as we don't know its origin or material it was made of. but you have a similar choker and the material is similar too maybe you know about it?" aiden asked faes while faes stared at the picture shown on the screen. there was the picture, its price, details and name.


the name of the jewel was normal but it held enough power to destroy the world if in the wrong hands. the description didn't have many details as no one knows about it.

the description said 'though not much is know about its origin and material nightlight is made of, its looks and charm can make anyone to be drawn to it. its said to have enormous power but what kind the power is not known to anyone.

nightlight is made of special material not found in the whole world and the gem is not known to any jeweler.

if anyone finds any details about its origin and material its made of please contact the owner on given address in the capital city of reptiliance.'

there was an address written below along with the contact information of the old man aiden told about.

faes knew what it was made of and have a small idea about what kind of powers it has but if others know about them the world would begin fighting to get it for themselves and then chaos would break out. she trusted aiden but didn't want him to get hurt in his current weakened condition because of just mere information.

"its made of blood and bones of the fallen god though which fallen god i don't know and as of its powers i have no idea about them as i don't even know what my choker can do yet" faes decided to tell a half lie and half-truth as she can't lie to aiden nor tell him the complete truth

aiden was satisfied with what he found out and knew what he was gonna do!

"when you go to the capital of reptiliance do one thing for me" aiden turned to faes who glanced at him

"go to the old man and take nightlight for yourself. it will be only safer if it's with you and who knows if it's related to the choker you have" aiden told while faes nodded turning to the picture on the screen again. even without aiden telling her to get it she was already going to take it once she went to the capital city of dragon kingdom.

'nightlight you are really something i look forward to finding' faes thought curious about its powers.

"by the way your birthday is in a few days isn't it?" aiden asked his eyes sparkling making faes grow excited, whenever aiden showed that expression he does something either exciting or mischievous which mostly ends up fun.