the person in the prophecy

when they entered a voice sounded which sounded like it belonged to someone in early twenties. the deep husky voice was enough to hypnotise anyone especially faes. when she heard the voice she felt herself relax and wanting to hear more. but this feeling just made her confused and alert.

"greetings your majesty king aiden shadowdragon de reptiliance, its been long time since we last met what's going on outside and who are these little one's?" the voice asked

"greetings lord kailial, these young ladies are my daughters, this is princess faes monesterio von altai, second princess of kingdom altai and first princess of kingdom reptiliance. i have adopted her when she almost died trying to save my eggs, and this little one is princess sky mani shadowdragon de reptiliance, second princess of kingdom reptiliance and the one who princess faes saved. to my grief my other two eggs were destroyed and the children killed in that attack and i also got poisoned and will die soon" aiden introduced

faes bowed with sky still in her hands and greeted

"greetings to lord kailial white, i princess faes along with my little sister sky are grateful that you allowed us to live in this place and gave us the honor to protect your secret existence in this place though we just got to know about it too a few moments ago" faes said as she was bowing and sky had her head low. she cant talk so faes talked on her behalf too.

"accept my greetings princess faes, princess sky though i am a little confused you seem more than just someone who saved aiden's egg and got adopted by him" kailial said as the orb in the middle of the room changed into a translucent person. when faes saw the person she was unable to take her eyes away.

white hair that was coming over his face casting a shadow over the black night sky like eyes, his red lips and smooth-looking translucent skin seem to glow he looked like he was in his early twenties but faes knew he was well over hundred years older. faes felt that there was a special connection between them but she cant put her finger on it. similarly to faes kailial's soul fragment was watching faes after feeling the connection.

noticing the strange behavior of both aiden smiled and finally broke the silence.

"lord kailial, not to sound disrespectful by disturbing but i think that the person in the prophecy is my daughter princess faes, though i am not sure" aiden told them making everyone turn to him.

"can be!" kailial said and motioned for faes to come to him. faes turned to aiden who nodded his head to assure her that its fine, getting permission faes placed sky on the ground near aiden as she knew aiden was barely standing and wont be able to carry sky, she then went to where kailial was and stood in front of him. after all this time faes had grown in height but was still shorter than kailial's over seven feet height. faes was barely ten years old and was about four feet and few inches in height but she wasn't complaining!

kailial's soul fragment took both her hands and closed his eyes as he said

"dont resist just allow me in your sea of consciousness"

faes also closed her eyes slightly nervous but did as she was told, the soul fragment was translucent but it can hold her hands just enough to make faes feel the sparks. ignoring the sparks faes focused and soon found herself in her sea of consciousness again faes felt a new energy trying to enter it. faes allowed it to enter and soon kailial's soul fragment was inside her sea of consciousness. the purple disc and the starry sky around didn't helped faes.

in here her soul was not like her current body but her original soul which was in her early twenties from her previous life.

kailial's soul was standing in front of her with a small smile that made faes stare at him in an awe. he looked so beautiful and pretty with that small smile. faes was about six feet in her current state but still looked short in front of kailial but when she saw his smile she felt herself blushing. though her current body was that of a ten year old she was mentally older and matured!

"you are not from this world, are you?" kailial asked yet it sounded more like a statement. faes controlled herself and nodded answering his question.

"very well then, lets go back" he said vanishing from her sea of consciousness. faes also came back and looked at the soul fragment in front of her. kailial was still smiling but not lightly he looked happy and it made faes relax unconsciously, smiling in return.

"ahem!" someone coughed taking their attention towards them. faes blushed in embarrassment of being caught staring and moved away from kailial's soul fragment. he also released her hands thankfully as faes took a few steps away.

"your assumption is correct king aiden. faes is really the one in the prophecy" kailial said clearing his throat.

aiden smiled at faes who was blinking at them nervous.

"then i feel assured and honored that my daughter is the one in prophecy. you dont have to stay here along with both of them. when i die faes and sky will go to the capital city of reptiliance along with my letter and you can go with them" aiden said

"i cant leave in this form i will have to trouble princess faes to let me bind our soul together temporarily so that i can stay in her sea of consciousness" kailial soul fragment said.

faes was not sure if this was correct thing to do but when she saw aiden nod she relaxed knowing it wont hurt them, but she was still not assured. kailial turned to her waiting for her answer but faes was still thinking if she should accept and then she heard a notification.

[quest: collect kailial's soul fragments and help him revive


punishment: destruction of this world]

after reading the notification faes had a dry smile as she also nodded her head towards kailial to accept the deal.

kailial's hands moved making a few signs and soon his form again changed into that of an orb. the orb then entered her body and faes felt a connection being established.

when faes tried to find where it went she found kailial in her sea of consciousness just like before. but now he was on a grey disc instead of her purple one.

"now we are connected by soul, when you will find more soul fragments they will merge with this one while we can still talk to you from here" kailial said.

'system can he sense you?' faes asked

[he can sense my existence but dont know what i am and neither can he see or hear me yet] the system replied

'what about the screen and notifications?' faes asked

[he cant see them] the system replied

faes just nodded and turned to aiden who seemed like he would fall any moment. faes went to him and supported him back to his room.