little information

"princess faes we would like to know some things that are important just like the matter with your race" king ladon said as they all were sitting in the meeting room.

the matter with faes race was shocking. not everyone knew that she was human. when she first met adrian and the others she was a human but just after leaving the room her race changed to that of a dragon. and today in front of all the people they were unable to tell her race at all! this matter might be concerning for everyone not just faes.

they all wanted to know the secret behind the power that could change the race of a person like changing clothes. the royal family of reptiliance were focused on faes alone while sky was once again in adrian's lap staring at everyone in curiosity.

even blake wanted to know this. last time in the inn faes just dismissed him saying its a little trick but he knew it was more than that.

faes saw everyone's eager expressions and smiled. she was going to answer them honestly but that doesn't mean that she was going to tell them all about her. the things that she was going to keep a secret were many that includes kailial, mystic fog castle and the bloodstone.

"its just a little trick by which i can make my race seem to change or hide it. i am a human but i can be a dragon" faes said changing her race from human to dragon using her hide zero then continued "and i can be a fae, a devil, and even something else" faes told continuing to change her race ending on human again. faes watched the faces of the royal family change in shock and amazement.

they didn't know what to say anymore. if changing races was a little trick then what are they fools? the royal family knew that faes was telling this much to them just because she was adopted by aiden and was sky's sister but she wont tell them the real reasons or all her secrets. they also knew that no one tells this type of information openly hence they were not going to blame faes.

"what powers you have? from what i heard before the second princess of kingdom altai didn't have any powers" nuri asked as faes smiled

"i had powers even when everyone thought that i didn't back in kingdom altai. i can use both qi and magic particles and currently i am at knight establishment stage 5 and will break through elite establishment soon" faes told. though she didn't told them what kind of magic particles she uses. faes also gave blake a smile which made him shiver from fear. he had seen faes use qi bullets and elemental laser which included all four elements and it was the cause that faes gave that look to blake. she didn't wanted others to know much about herself in order to keep herself safe.

"why did you run away from kingdom altai?" adrian asked to which faes face darkened as she looked down in order to hide her anger and bloodlust. she wasn't going to tell them that she was not the one who ran away but she have to answer something.

"i have some personal reasons to run away from kingdom altai, i can only say that though i was loved by everyone in my family and kingdom, i didn't had the respect that i was supposed to have. they didn't even bothered to ask if i awakened any powers and directly concluded that i was useless. and lets just say even the maids working for me took me lightly, too casually that i had a few bruises on daily basis"

faes said more than she wanted to because of her anger. when she realised that she had said too much faes took deep breaths to calm herself down and smiled at the shocked faces of others. "don't worry those who have wronged me are going to have a nice chat with me once i get back" though faes wanted to assure them her smile only seemed eriee. but when they blinked and looked again faes was once again the normal girl who seem harmless.

"there are rumors that princess faes is ugly but i have seen how beautiful you are. why don't you show others how you look so that in case you forget to put on your mask one day they will still recognise you, little faes" blake said smiling and to lighten the mood.

"sure" faes agreed as she didn't sense anything wrong with this. they already knew her real identity anyways. once faes removed her mask others stared at her beautiful face. whoever started the rumor that princess faes was ugly would have had a pea sized brain. the girl in front of them was so cute and beautiful that they entered a dazed state. sparkling gray eyes, red lips and pale skin, her cheeks had a rosy tint to them and when together with her dark black hair she seem to be way too beautiful than any other princess in the world.

when everyone were in a dazed state a ringing sounded from the king's watch. he glanced at it after coming out from his dazed state.

"its his majesty king agustus, i am sure he would like to know about your well being after seeing the news of brother aiden's death" ladon said reading the message that his butler sent to him to faes who nodded.

faes had actually forgotten about her family as she was used to being alone in her last life.

"i will talk to him after going back to my chambers" faes replied. though king ladon only got a message that king agustus wanted to talk he understood it was for king aiden's death and faes whereabouts.

"i think that is all we wanted to know" nuri said once faes put her mask back on but faes shook her head with a smile.

"i think there is one more thing that is important to know but its about sky" faes said as she nodded towards sky.

"i don't know if you have noticed it or not but sky doesn't have a crystal over her heart like other dragons" faes pointed. now that she mentioned it the other four turned to sky. they had indeed didnt noticed it but how is that possible?

"even if our princess doesn't have any crystal it doesn't matter! she is my sister and will always be. if she needs anything i will be there for her" surprisingly it was adrian who spoke first. faes sighed in relief once she heard others agreeing. she had only pointed out that sky didnt had a crystal over her heart to know what the reactions of the royal family would have but it seem like they were fine with it and will still take care of sky like they would.

"there is one more thing that you should know" faes said smiling. now that she knew that the royal family of reptiliance was good she didnt had any problem telling them about sky's powers.

"brother adrian please remove the scarf from sky's head" faes asked. adrian placed sky on the table in front of him after picking her up from his lap and removed the black scarf that was covering her head. once it was removed everyone gasped.

"sky is special, she isn't weak but rather strong. she is already at knight establishment stage 3 while she was only knight establishment stage 1 when she was born" faes said.

the four people including blake didnt know what to say. even blake haven't seen sky's crystals before as they were always covered from the cloth which he thought was faes way to dress sky, who would have thought that it was to hide the crystals that were on her forehead.

"this matter isn't to be known by anyone outside the room" ladon instantly ordered once he came out of his shock. these two sisters were just as mysterious as his brother. they indeed live up to the title of aiden's daughters, one have bizarre powers other have a shocking number of crystals and that too on her forehead and there are many things that they didnt know yet about these two.