the old shop

after faes collected all the things she took others to the place she originally intended to come to. all this shoppings was just a cover so that faes can come and collect the nightlight that aiden showed her once.

faes and others came and stood in front of the old rustic shop and stared at it. faes was staring at it mainly due to curiosity and excitement but other three persons with her were staring at it because they were not sure why they were here.

if faes wanted to get something they could have bought it from a better shop but she came here instead. elijah, robin and grayson stared at the shop and faes alternatively but they didn't get any answer to their question no matter how they looked at it. finally not being able to contain the curiosity elijah finally asked faes

"ms faes why are we here? this shop is old and doesnt contains any good accessories, if you want i can lead you to a better place"

faes turned to her three companions and smiled

"who said this place doesnt contain any good things? one time papa showed me a thing that piqued my curiosity. and that thing is precisely in this shop" faes said

others knew by now that faes called aiden papa, but him taking a liking on something from an old rustic shop was not something they can imagine on daily basis. then again the person in question was their former king who was famous for his pranks and thoughts filled with mysteries. he might just like something out of this shop.

faes along with her companions entered the shop. it was made of wood and was smaller compared to other shops around the market. the place looked like it was not visited in ages and was covered in dust.

they didn't saw anyone inside the shop. faes ignored the fact that there was no shopkeeper and began to look around the place. elijah, grayson and robin were not happy because of the lack of shopkeeper and also the dirt and dust around the shop. they still thought that this place didn't had anything good.

after few minutes there was still no one coming to greet them hence elijah called out.

"hello! is there anyone in this shop? we would like to get something!"

after he called out an old man came out of the back door looking surprised and tired. he was wearing baggy clothes and was dirty making the three people uncomfortable but only faes was unaffected. faes had told system to scan the shop and tell her about the important things in it. when system was done faes had found that this place had more than one good items! she was looking around the items in awe.

she smiled at the old man as he came out and stared at the four of them with confusion. no one had come here after king aiden, he was the one who occasionally came and exchanged items with him along with buying many things. it can be said that only king aiden came here to buy things even after looking at the dusty appearance of the place.

the shopkeeper was old and was not able to keep the place tidy anymore. he didn't had any children or family so he just let anyone come and get whatever they wanted except the one thing. king aiden had told that he would take care of that thing but now he was dead so the shopkeeper was going to give it to the royal family.

he wasn't expecting that the day he was going to close the shop forever a customer would come hence he was quite surprised to see four young people in his shop. three older ones were giving him a disapproving and disgusted looks but the little girl who was wearing a mask and looked to be around ten years old was giving him a pleasantly warm smile.

'what a contrast between companions!' the shopkeeper thought. he was a man of pride and respect. he only sold things to the people who were nice to him and respected everyone, this was also the reason his shop was in the current condition. no one was respectful of shop owners anymore!

"good evening, how can i help you today young lads?" the shopkeeper asked

"our young miss wanted to buy something from your shop" elijah said but the shopkeeper ignored him completely. elijah frowned glancing at grayson who nodded

"old shopkeeper is there a special thing in your shop that our young miss can have?" grayson asked but once again the shopkeeper just gave them a glance and ignored them focusing on the little girl who was going around the shop again after giving him that smile once.

"grandpa what are the specialities of your shop?" robin tried but then again was ignored. the trio exchanged looks when all of them were ignored by the shopkeeper. they didn't now what they did wrong but one thing was clear, they don't like this old man!

faes who was done checking around the shop had collected a few items and carried them over to the reception desk with a smile.

"greetings grandpa!" faes greeted as she placed the things on the table. she nodded at the old shopkeeper along with her smile. faes was a person who had good intuition and knew that the old shopkeeper was a good person. aiden also respected him a lot and often visited this place so she knew that the person was to be respected. even if she didn't know that fact, faes would still give respect to elders who are good-natured!

while faes was checking the shop she also heard the trio and knew the reason old shopkeeper ignored them! it was precisely because they didn't greeted him before talking. the shopkeeper placed respect above all things!

the three who were ignored previously thought that the shopkeeper would ignore their princess too but to their surprise the old man smiled and bowed his head towards faes.

"what can i get you today little one? you seem good mannered child" the shopkeeper said

"i am faes and someone i know recommended this shop to me! i found quite good things here can i get them?" faes asked

"sure! take anything you like, i was going to close the shop and hand everything to the royal treasury today so you can even take them for free as you are my last customer" the old man laughed. he liked the little girl, not only she was a well-mannered child but was polite and good looking too.

"oh that cant be! this is your shop and i wont take anything without paying for them!" faes shook her head. she really wanted to help the old man but he refused to even take the payment for the things she bought! 'this wont do!'

"fine then pay for them" the old man didn't refused as he sensed that faes wont change her mind and hence he allowed her to pay. he still didn't told her how much the things cost, she can give any amount she wanted as he was not in need for money anyway. 'i am about to die so what will i do about little money?' the old man thought and he had enough money points from king aiden that can support him till his death.

"grandpa what is the total cost for the things our young miss got?" elijah asked when the old man went quite after saying his part. needless to say he was ignored again making his face turn dark.

he was going to say something when he saw faes giggle confusing him along with robin and grayson.

"do you know why were you ignored?" faes asked elijah who shook his head

"it was because you didn't greeted grandpa first. even when you were respectful greeting someone when met first is a must! no matter who the person in front of you is, if they are worthy then they deserve a greeting!" faes scolded the three. she wasn't angry but just wanted to let them know what they did wrong.

when the three heard faes they came to realise their mistake and bowed guiltily. they had thought that now that they served a princess they only have to greet nobles and other high ranking people but they realised that they made a mistake. their master seem to be someone who respected everyone without caring about their status and it was how things were supposed to be. realising that they were beginning to be filled with ego for serving a princess they came back to ground falling hard from the height they were beginning to climb, they were also glad that their master made them realise this in time.

"we apologize for our mistake please forgive us this time" they said

"its alright just dont forget to greet before talking next time." the old man nodded accepting the apology but still didn't told the cost.

faes grinned when the old man still didn't told them the cost of the things she picked. what aiden said was true! the shopkeeper really didn't asked for money.

faes smiled at the shopkeeper as a message from the system appeared in her vision.

"grandpa i have something for you, here!" faes waved her hand as an envelope appeared in front of her floating in the air and landed in the old man's hand.