bizzire thought that left her alarmed

faes patted sky who was sitting in her lap while kai was sitting or rather laying sideways on the sofa in front of her with his legs hanging down from the side while his head was supported by the armrest of other side of the sofa. he looked like a playful boy next door but the grin he was giving faes was not helping her.

faes was glaring at kai while her whole face was red. after they came in and kai laid down faes was caught staring at him and was teased while sky drank her milk as her dinner. now that he had finally stopped faes was irritated and angry yet at the same time relaxed. she had explained to sky about not entering mystic fog castle in front of others again and not until it was necessary which she had understood quite nicely.

faes sighed as she placed nightlight on the table in front of her. it was time she asked kai what to do about this.

"you should keep this it is yours in the first place" faes said as kai sat properly after glancing at nightlight.

"i cant, i am just a soul fragment i cont use it even if i want to." kai shook his head as he continued "you should keep it. it will help you in the future" kai said

"but-" kai cut faes off "you are the chosen one from the prophecy remember? you have to be strong. even if you don't have nightlight you are supposed to fight with the fallen god at the end. it would be better if you keep it" kai tried to explain.

faes stared at his serious eyes and sighed again. looked like she have to keep nightlight for herself.

"fine" faes agreed as she knew that kai was saying the truth. he was just a soul fragment now and wont be able to use it. faes will keep it and use it until she gathered all the soul fragments and merged it back with his original body. after that she will give it to him.

"good girl!" kai grinned oblivious to what faes was thinking as he stood up and patted her head.

even thought it annoyed faes she let him pat her head as it felt good and annoying at the same time. faes was about to talk about the shopkeeper when she saw kai leaning down towards her.

faes eyes went wide as she turned red holding sky close to her and hiding her face behind sky. faes heard kai chuckling and then she was lifted of the sofa she was sitting on making her squeal.

"what the hell you think you are doing?" faes shouted but kai only laughed in return

"language little bun there is a child with us" kai scolded faes who glared at him.

"where are you taking me? i was going to talk!" faes argued but kai ignored her and continued walking. faes tried to get out of his arms but he was stronger even if he was just a soul fragment. soon they arrived in front of her room and he placed her on the bed and took her shoes off and covered her with the quilt despite the protest faes was doing. in the end faes was covered in the quilt with only her head peaking out as kai had turned her into a roll.

faes glared at kai who was trying not to laugh along with sky who was now sitting over kai's shoulder laughing.

"its getting late you should sleep, i will tuck sky in her bed, we can talk tomorrow morning when you wake up" kai said and left her room not after waving at her and turning the lights off.

though faes huffed she felt her exhaustion from the walk and shopping she did whole day. soon she gave in to the sleep that she didn't realised was taking over.

next day faes alarm woke her up causing her to get scared and fall down from the bed being tangled in the quilt. she groaned rubbing her butt but soon sighed. 'it was all kai's fault!' she remembered that he was the one rolling her in the quilt like that and teasing her. faes got ready and went to the dining area where kai had already prepared breakfast even though she eats it in the real world normally.

sky was also awake and kai seem to be teaching her something from a book. faes went to them and hit kai over his head directly making him groan rubbing his head.

"what was that for?" kai asked glaring at faes

"that was for what you did last night!" faes was in no way going to tell him that she fell down because of it. 'i don't have a death wish thank you' faes knew he would just do it again if she told him.

"fine fine! what were you going to talk about" kai changed the subject before faes begins to give him a piece of her mind. faes just snorted and began eating the food that was prepared after giving sky the milk.

'there was no better way to calm down other than eating!' faes ignored kai for the time being as she ate the breakfast. somehow his cooking has improved and now his food wasn't just barely edible. it was tasty!

after faes ate she began talking about the shopkeeper. kai listened to her as usual till she was finished.

he was silent for sometime before he just told her one thing "stay alert and careful always" after that he let go of the topic. but his single statement was enough for faes, it just concluded that what she was thinking was right.

she know have nightlight and even without it she would have been attracting trouble. now that someone know she had nightlight they will come after her sooner or later. faes knew that even though kai didn't continued the topic he was serious about the danger and seriousness. faes was going to stay alert and careful specially with sky as there had already been many tries to get to her.

'i need to be stronger fast' faes thought as she was deep in thought. she was about to breakthrough into elite establishment stage but she cant fight those who will come after her and sky. even aiden was not able to fight them and he was one of the most strongest people out in the world.

if aiden cant fight with them properly without getting hurt then she stood no chance against them if one of the stronger ones comes after them. faes had advantage of others not knowing about her strength and powers and sky's too but that wont last long and sooner or later others would know about them and will take precautions that wont be good for them.

aiden told them that the red poison cult sent weaker one's first to get an understanding of the opponent then send stronger one to take them out like what they did with him.

faes suddenly had a bizzire thought that made her alarmed. 'the red poison cult attacked just after queen luna laid eggs and everyone had their guard down. but how did they know if the announcement wasn't made at that time?'

someone was either spying in the castle or was close enough to the royal family that they can access to the confidential information, or they were someone in a high enough position to get a whole army attack the royal palace of dragons suddenly without attracting the guards attention!

'this means that other than that old shopkeeper there are more people that i need to look out for' faes concluded and watched how kai was lost in thoughts 'and someone knows something that they are not sharing with her yet'.