
faes and sky laughed as they glanced at blake who had already bought few things with him on his way back and had accepted that he lost already. it was a common occurrence by now so others only smiled and shook their heads after watching the three.

"there you go! next time i am definitely not going to buy you a single thing" blake said with a glare that both his sisters ignored.

faes took the spicy peas and began eating them while sky took the lollipops packet and opened it. they both completely ignored blake but he was used to it now. they all have grown closer in the past year, enough close to ignore the formalities and talk as if they were any other person and not the royal family. currently, they were sitting in faes chamber after eating dinner and resting. the two sisters were foodies they can still eat the snacks blake bought even after filling their stomachs with food during dinner.

while they were resting and eating faes suddenly paused before placing the packet in her hands down and getting up going towards the balcony and staring into something. everyone watched her with curiosity but didn't stop her. they were used to her suddenly glancing around and mumbling weird things or waving her hand in air or glaring at her shoulder and the air around her, but that doesn't mean they weren't curious. they had asked her before but she only replied with a sentence every time that was 'ignore me'

they can only contain their curiosity till now and observe her behavior. everytime they found out that the direction she turned towards something happened there or someone was talking something interesting.

all her actions had a reason behind her and she haven't gone crazy! which relieved them once faes had also told them that she had heightened senses and that had explained many of her actions.

but this time it was different as faes who was glancing the the particular direction was glaring at something and then to everyone's surprise jumped out. everyone went to the balcony only to find that faes had vanished.

"where did she go?" blake asked to no one in particular but he was met with silence as no one knew where faes went to.

they just watched the direction faes vanished into confused.

faes who had heard someone near the palace wall speak about Richard had came out to the balcony to see what was going on. she found that it was a high ranking guard who was in charge of the palace security talking to someone on his watch.

"sir Richard will get his revenge soon, the attack planned for tonight is already in motion. our men will capture princess faes entering from the east side during the guards shift changing and then get her to our temporary hideout in the nearby forest, milord can do whatever they want with her while our other people make her image look bad in the royal capital just like how she did with sir Richard" the guard leader said making faes glare at him annoyed.

they were planning to capture her and make her look bad? how? do they even know she can kill anyone at her current realm with just one strike? but she was also relieved to know that they were only targeting her and not others. faes can hear and see till the distance of fifteen miles radius around her but the more distance the more faded it was. she can clearly see and hear the things around eight miles distance, faes can even see a small pin from eight miles and her it drop on the ground if she wants. all this time faes had trained herself to ignore most of the useless things in her vision and hearing but she still picked it up whenever something important was mentioned about her or sky or anyone else close to her.

some people around her knew about her heightened senses but to what extent they were unaware. the guard leader was currently near the wall hiding in few trees while talking but faes can easily see him and hear him, but what she was hearing; she didn't like it one bit!

"continue as planned, what cultivation they are at currently?" another voice sounded probably from the guard's watch. faes didn't recognize the voice but she knew they were probably from the red poison cult.

"the both princes are in late noble establishment, princess faes is in noble establishment stage 2, princess sky is in peak elite establishment stage while the king and queen are in king establishment stage" the guard leader reported. they didn't knew about the real cultivation of the royal family but they still knew the fake cultivation stages faes had created along with the fake powers. she knew something like this might happen.

"then sending five peak king establishment stage and ten peak noble establishment stage cultivators would do for this time. just make sure they get through the guards and abduct both the princesses specially princess faes" the other voice said

faes who was thinking that they were only targeting her was angry and glared at the guard, they dare try to abduct sky while she was here?

"milord not to offend but why do you need the younger princess? she is at most barely a year old what help can she offer?" the guard asked

"she is a special child! a purple phoenix who has a very special ability that she got from the ancient dragon spirits. to make it easier she is still young and we can train her according to our choices. she will become stronger but she will be on our side. and if we have the younger princess on our side then the others will side with us too" the other voice said.

"milord is right, but what about the elder princess? she is said to have some hidden powers too that she uses to jump realms and fight" the guard asked

" don't worry we have something the elder princess would love to know about," the other voice said.

faes who was listening had teleported on a tree branch above the guard leader. faes was going to join the conversation but when she heard this she paused wanting to hear more. what is the thing that she might be interested in? or do they think so anyway? faes was now curious.

"milord is awesome as always, this subordinate will make sure the people get past the guards and get the princesses, they will be knocked out by a drug in their dinner which might be beginning to show effect by now. our people will be in their position soon don't worry milord i will make sure the plan goes smoothly." the guard leader said

"good, if this plan ends smoothly then you will be rewarded accordingly," the voice said ending the call. the guard leader glanced around before leaving the place. faes who heard them was shaken, she was already drugged and she didn't knew?

'system?' faes called the useless system which refused to appear in front of her or reply to her

'if you don't show yourself or reply then you better not come in front of me ever again!' faes hissed just as a shaking system appeared in front of her.

[host calm down, i wanted to tell you about you being drugged but it was not effective on you hence i didn't] the system replied squirming under faes glare.

'what do you mean ineffective to me?' faes asked frowning while glaring at the system, she indeed didn't felt anything wrong with herself now that she noticed.

[it was a way small dose, and as you are at a higher cultivation realm and your body is that of a hybrid of various races the drug used on dragons are not much effective on you] the system explained

'what about sky?' faes asked

[she will be affected just like normally] the system replied and vanished when it sensed faes anger and killing intent.

faes once again teleported to the balcony she was in previously and saw sky closing her eyes and falling.