meet richard again!

in an abundant place deep in the forest was a mansion hidden by illusion magic. few cloaked people entered the barrier along with a passed out figure.

hey were surprisingly covered in wounds and out of the fifteen people who left only three of them were able to arrive back.

the other people already present at the mansion took the knocked out figure and sent the other three to get healed and interrogated while one of them took the princess to the basement of the mansion and left her in a cell not after tying her hands with chains to the wall.

faes slowly opened her eyes once she felt that she was alone and glanced around. she had been awake for sometime but had acted as if she was still out. currently she was in one of the cells chained to the wall. three sides of the cell were solid walls while one side had bars. the place smelled worse than the dirtiest alleyway back on earth.

the smell was full of waste material and blood! a dungeon! faes realised she was in a dungeon but after that she closed her eyes again and went back to sleep not worrying about anything.


back in the royal palace of kingdom reptiliance the royal family was gathered in the princesses chamber glaring at the dead bodies on the floor.

king ladon and queen nuri were stressed out and dead worried about both princesses who were missing. they had seen faes in arms of one of the intruders who jumped out and concluded that both the princesses were abducted. they wanted to follow after them but the other intruders stopped them.

to their surprise the three red cloaked people were peak king establishment stage cultivators while other black cloaked were noble establishment stage cultivators.

both the king and queen fought with one king establishment stage cultivator along with adrian taking the last one while their bodyguards and butlers took care of the noble establishment stage cultivators. blake followed the ones who jumped out but when he returned with dead body of few intruders and news that they managed to get away.

three of the intruders left along with their princesses! how can royal family sit calmly but when the king was about to give orders they were stopped by blake and adrian making them incredibly alert and pissed.

"we don't have time for this! the princesses are in danger!" ladon hissed at his sons but they glared back at him.

"they arent! its all part of our plan!" blake said shocking him. blake asked his sisters to be kidnapped?

"don't get him wrong, it wasn't out plan but you just need to know that its all under control till now. come with us you need to know something and hurry we don't have much time" adrian sighed and they all went to a safer place to talk.

once they were done ladon and nuri were glaring at blake and adrian but didn't said anything instead they got up.

"pray that nothing happens to either of the princesses" ladon said making the two brothers smile sadly. they got into trouble without even doing anything themselves! they were definitely going to take care of faes once she comes back.


faes woke up to the sound of the cell door unlocking and opening her eyes she glanced at the person who entered.

faes looked around as she sat up and then glanced at the chains around her hand before glaring at the person who entered.

who could be if not Richard?

"where am i? what are you doing here and why did you kidnap me?" faes asked in her usual monotone. she was actually not afraid as this wasn't her first time being kidnapped.

in her past life, she was an orphan and lived alone, she had encountered various situations in which others would bully her and even sometimes try to kidnap her on her way back home after work late at night. she was kidnapped once and almost lost her chastity one but luckily the police arrived in time to save her. after that she had taken few self-defence classes and had beaten up anyone who tried to take advantage of her.

this time richard only managed to kidnap her because she wanted to get here otherwise they didn't stand a chance against the royal family of kingdom reptiliance.

"your royal highness, princess faes shadowdragon de reptiliance what a pleasant surprise to meet you here" richard said smiling but it didn't affect faes much.

faes just glanced at him and refused to speak and waste her energy but she continued to glare at him

"you might be wondering where you are and why are you here?" Richard said as his smile widened the more he spoke

"and you must be delighted to know that we have her highness princess sky here too!" Richard said but his smile dropped seeing that faes didn't have any reaction. he suddenly discovered that faes was actually calm despite being kidnapped and hearing that her sister is kidnapped too. he cant read what she was thinking but he somehow felt that something was wrong.

being oblivious to faes lack of reaction's cause richard grinned

"because of your highness princess faes, I was labelled as a traitor of the kingdom and had to flee from the royal capital. but now that you are here i can get revenge and then all the treasures you have will be mine and lord's" richard began laughing after that but faes just sighed invardly.

did anyone ask him to tell that? they already knew what he wanted and also knew he cant have it. but he didn't know that the royal family was aware of the cult's schemes. and until she meets that lord of their and find out what interesting item they have for her she was going to play dumb.

"where is sky? why did you take her when it was i who you wanted to take revenge on?" faes glared at Richard but in reality she was just annoyed and also relieved that she knew sky was safe in mystic fog castle with kai.

"oh! our lord wanted to use her as a weapon. after all she is gifted generously by the ancient dragon spirits!" Richard said without suspecting anything wrong.

"who is your lord? where is he?" faes continued

"don't you think you are talking too much for a prissioner?" Richard finally stopped talking and glared at her but she just glared back.

"let me go and i will show you who is talking too much? brother blake and others will soon come to get me and sky" faes said just as Richard slapped her.

"stop talking you filthy bug! if his majesty haven't adopted a bug like you out of nowhere then i might still be living in the capital surrounded by luxury and our lord would have already taken over the throne to the kingdom reptiliance!"