hierarchy of kingdom altai

in the meeting room of royal palace of kingdom altai....

king augustus held queen alicia who was sobbing uncontrollably. she had seen the news after the butler informed her and had been crying like this ever since. queen alicia had seen her daughter covered in blood and called a traitor, how can she stay calm?

they were currently only ones in the room and were about to talk to king ladon, Alicia had wanted to go to faes at once but augustus knew that they needed a valid reason to go to reptiliance as they cant expose faes cover. it will only put her in more danger.

"calm down my queen, if you don't hold yourself how am i going to talk to his majesty?" augustus said.

queen alicia finally calmed down after crying some more and wiped her tears. she just wanted to talk to faes to hug and hold her close!

"are you ready?" augustus asked

"i just want to see my baby" alicia replied holding her dress tightly in order to stop herself from crying again.

"then i will call his majesty then." augustus said as he tapped his watch few times.

soon king ladon picked up the call and his projecting appeared. just one look at king ladon and king augustus heart sank. king ladon was looking guilty and was also covered in few bandages. whole world knew that the dragon king was powerful but even he got hurt then what about their daughter? she was just a human!

"greetings your majesty king ladon" the king and queen of altai greeted

"please lets drop the formalities for now. i assume you saw the news?" ladon shook his head as he said.

"your majesty, faes? how is she?" alicia asked

"she is currently in the hospital and is yet to regain consciousness. the head healer said that she is out of danger but they will do further test after she wakes up and tell us how princess faes is" ladon said

"what happened? i heard the news say that she was a traitor" augustus asked

"she isn't a traitor!" ladon suddenly glared at augustus. he can now understand why faes would run away from home and aiden would want to adopt her. the news and video they released clearly showed that faes was a hero not a traitor but her own father asked about her being a traitor before asking about her conditions?

"i apologize your majesty, i didn't mean that. i was just concerned about faes and my brain isn't functioning properly" augustus apologized realizing his mistake.

ladon also calmed down as he stopped glaring at augustus.

"princess faes lost almost all of her blood essence and was also gravely injured. though all her deeper injuries are healed, there are still many burns and injuries left on her body. the healer said that it will take her some time before her blood essence recovers." ladon said but continued after a pause

"the enemy almost succeeded in killing me, if not for the first princess of kingdom reptiliance not only the royal family but whole kingdom would have fallen. his majesty former king aiden had told me to take care of her but i failed. i am not strong enough to keep her safe! but his majesty also told me one thing." ladon paused again

"he had told me that faes grew up without respect, care and love, i can see what he meant now but i suggest you try to respect her as an individual first rather than your daughter. what powers she have, how strong she is, what she likes, what she wants all comes afterwards, try to see who she is first.

the time i spent with her, i have come to know that she is a sweet child. she wants to do her best at everything and make others proud. she wants to be respected rather than loved. i have come to know that she can die for the people she care about and kill people who want to hurt her or her kin.

if someone wants me to describe her, i would say she is a little angelic demon. if you even hurt her once, she will make you hurt hundred times over and if you make her feel happy and loved then she will return your love hundredfold too." ladon said

"we understand your majesty." augustus said nodding. king ladon made them realize that they don't have much chance of correcting their relationship with faes but they still have a chance.

"i will contact you again once she wakes up and talk to her about visiting you once she recovers." ladon said

"thank you your majesty" king augustus and queen alicia said as ladon ended the call and vanished.

"do you think she will forgive us?" alicia asked augustus after sometime.

"we will know once we talk to faes. if she still agrees to come back then there might be a chance, but we should respect her choices and his majesty clearly said to visit us and not return back home" augustus replied.

they only have one more chance of getting their daughter back and they would do so with all their heart. faes was not first princess of kingdom reptiliance but the second princess of kingdom altai. they will make sure she will be respected and treated like a proper princess but they will first wait for faes to come back. their kingdom wasn't like others. while other species kingdoms only have the royal family and nobles along with city, town and village lords, the kingdom altai have a hierarchy that they have to follow.

the royal family can be replaced here, unlike other kingdoms as they were humans and other than being stronger and have more population and with more allies can they rule. currently there were many nobles already that were trying to replace the royal family due to faes not having any powers and hence trying to make them weaker.

the nobles and other important figures were all involved into politics and the hierarchy. the hierarchy was like

lowest were phesants and commoners who dont have any powers or strength. they mostly worked as cleaners, helpers, and other normal jobs which doesn't require much strength.

above them were those common people who have powers but were of a low cultivation realm. they worked as farmers, hunters, drivers, and common guards around the fields and as well as lookouts. they also worked as workers at various establishments as helpers like nurses in hospitals and teachers, and other things.

then were middle class people who have more powers and higher cultivation realm than others, they worked under nobles directly and aided them as official workers, like head of a guild, head of some other establishment and others.

then came the lower nobles. they were mostly barons who ruled over a village or a group of village. they are tasked to make sure the villages develop properly and the people in village are free of problems.

then comes viscounts who rule over a certain town and also look over the barons who have their territories around that town. they work as representatives of counts who rules over several towns.

counts look over the viscounts and the towns under their rule and are also stronger than others and have a higher cultivation realm.

the cities are ruled over by dukes and their dukedoms or territory includes all the counts viscounts and barons around their cities.

after the dukes is the royal family who rules over the whole kingdom from the royal capital city.

nobles can have their own personal army that they rule but they cant call it a part of royal army.

while these nobles are to look after the city there is also another hierarchy including the royal army. the royal army makes sure the territories are safe from any attacks and the citizens are safe in their home. though they can also take over the corresponding role of the other hierarchy in case they needed to.

this army hierarchy includes both mages and knights and assassins. there are also rangers, army healers, berserker and paladins. they all together form army but the hierarchy is not made based on the classes but rather power and discipline. a ranger can be both just a soldier or a commander based on their separate power and strengths.

the hierarchy goes as

soldiers: the weakest of all the army. they fight the enemy under the command of their higher-ranking officer and are part of battalion. they are like commoners.

battalion leader: they command the battalion under them. the battalion is mostly a part of villages and small towns and are of equal status as barons.

captain: they common several battalions under them and an army base in town. they can have similar status as a viscounts.

leutinent: they command over several captains and are of similar status as counts.

army general: they command over leutinents and have similar status as of a duke.

above army general is commander who rules over whole army and is only below the royals and above dukes. they also command a special force of elites that are only deployed in case of emergencies or for special tasks.

the nobles and army together form the hierarchy of the kingdom with only the royal family above them. while in case the royal family falls short of anything either a worthy duke or the army commander can take over the role of the king.