the mines raid part 2

faes and sky quickly killed the snakes and stored their bodies as they progressed. with the two of their strength, they were easily able to deal with these normal snake beasts who were just slightly bigger in size and were faster than normal snakes.

the whole mine was filled with countless snakes and as the two sisters progressed deeper the number of snakes decreased but their strength increased.

soon after entering the inner area of the mine they began encountering the elite snakes. these snakes were bigger in size and were about five meters in length while their skin and scales were also stronger. these snakes used poison unlike the normal snakes they encountered but to faes and sky who have used poison resistant potion even the slight damage the snake managed to cause was negligible.

they similarly slaughtered these elite snakes only it took a longer time than killing normal snakes. also faes and sky had ice and fire mana crystals whenever they encountered lots of snakes that they cant handle they used these crystals and use them as bombs.

"sister faes these snakes are quite weaker than what i originally thought" sky pouted while her fire burnt the remaining elite snakes in front of her and faes also finished with the snakes on her side.

"its not that they are weak but you are stronger" faes laughed at sky's comment. no matter what she did sky had a natural talent for being strong at magic and strength.

"you arent any different! if comparing us you are better in every aspect" sky huffed

"that's because i am older and have more experience and knowledge than you, after you grow up you will even surpass me!" faes patted sky's head as they rested for a while waiting for their wounds to heal and their mana to recover.

"its been hours, do you think others will be done?" sky asked.

"they should be if they haven't encountered any danger. if i am correct they should be able to arrive here in another hour or so"

its really been a few hours since they entered the mines so others should be almost done clearing the other mines by now. faes and sky were also not slower, they had only took this much time because the number of beasts snakes were more and the are of this main mine was also larger than other mines.

even then they had already cleared all the normal and elite snakes in the mine. now only the ones present in the inner part of the mines where the legendary snake was were alive.

faes actually decided to wait for a while to recover completely and even ate few snacks with sky while they were waiting. the poison though didn't harmed them, it cause a debuff effect causing their speed to decrease and faes wanted to let it wear off before facing the legendary snake. and they were also waiting for others to arrive,

"sister faes let go, its been half an hour and the poison effect is gone. we both have recovered completely too. while we finish off the elites others should also arrive, just in time to face the boss" sky was getting bored now because of the wait.

"alright with nothing else to do lets clear the elites there" faes also agreed but she would have preferred to have a nap for a while.

as they entered the innermost area of mine the elite snakes in the area charged at them but due to limited space only about four snakes were able to face them head-on while others were only able to throw poison on them from afar. though these snakes were stronger they were still not a match for either sky or faes, at most they were peak tier 4 beasts.

"ice fire blades" sky waved her hand as blades made of ice appeared before being covered by blue fire. the fire didn't melt the ice but it instead turned them sharper. as these blades charged at the snakes they cut them like a hot knife going through butter despite their hard scales.

while faes used similar technique but on her blade. she covered the blade with her purple fire while using ice to block the snakes movement while she cut them up using her blade.

soon they continued forward finishing the remaining elites and came face to face with a huge snake at the end of the tunnel in a huge area.

actually they managed to arrive here ahead of time but they didn't think that the final boss or in other words the legendary snake would be awake. from the looks of the majestic appearance of the snake and the pressure, it was giving off faes and sky gulped. 'this snake was for sure a legendary beast! even its size is huge enough to cause a person headache!' faes sighed internally.

"shhhh!~~~?" the legendary snake turned its head towards the two figures that appeared in front of it. it had sensed its children being killed and was angry at the person who was the cause of it, but it didn't think that they would manage to get past all its children and arrive in front of it! even before many had come to kill it but they only managed to arrive and leave because either they arrive in a huge group or it wasn't interested in them.

but only two figures arrived in front of it now which shocked the beast. it had gained intelligence long time ago and was even able to understand the language these people used. it knew that the two small figures were young kids and hence it was shocked. but in the end it was a beast and its family was killed off by these tiny figures hence it got over its shock and issued a loud hissing sound.

"hsssss~~~~" the snake was easily over twenty meters in length and while it raised it head up it looked intimidating not to mention the angry hiss it just gave them. faes could bet that it had echoed throughout the whole mine.

"i think we don't have a chance to wait for others now, baby you stay away and attack it using magic and if you think that it is getting out of hand enter mystic fog castle dont get seriously injured in any case understood?" faes asked while sky nodded taking her bow out of her spacial ring along with few potions and pills.

"take these pills and potions before charging at it in case it can use poison too" sky had give faes advanced poison resistant potion and a strengthening pill which strengthen one for a limited amount of time while she too consumed these items.

"lets go"

originally the hiss the beast gave should have stunned anyone making them enter a feared state, unable to even move but sky and faes were not affected much other than the loud ringing in their ears, specially faes who was still feeling her ears ache from the loud noise. it was because they were both dragons and had learnt the technique the ancient spirits gave them.