the mines raid part 5

"sister faes! open your eyes" faes heard sky's weak voice, it sounded like she was crying. faes slowly opened her eyes glancing at sky in her hands. other than the tears in her eyes she was unharmed, this didn't help faes decrease her anger but increased it. how dare that snake make sky cry?

"I'm fine baby, don't cry" faes said in a soft tone as she rubbed sky's head

"i am sorry!" sky said as she hugged faes tighter.

"it's not your fault, just remember to not lose concentration in a fight and never stay defenceless." faes said as she pated sky's head and got up turning to sarah. just as faes turned to sarah, sarah gasped.

"your highness your eyes!" sarah was relieved when she noticed faes being conscious and talking to sky, but at that time faes had her back towards sarah but now that faes was facing her she noticed something.

normally faes eyes were grey but currently they had turned golden in colour and were shining.

"take sky and create more shields, it will be better if they are soundproof as well" faes instructed as she glanced at sarah before shifting her attention towards the snake. eli, grey and ethan were barely holding against the snake.

"gray ethan eli move away with sarah and sky" faes instructed as she glanced at the legendary snake.

"but your highness-"

even before eli can complete his sentence faes raised her hand silencing him before flicking her hand. her sword which had fallen away before came flying into her hand just like thor's hammer.

"this slithery thing is mine to deal with!" faes glared at the snake before turning her head towards sky who was now in sarah's arms

"use that to defend everyone, i will deal with that little snake" faes instructed thinking about testing the move finally.

"be careful sister faes" sky nodded as sarah took sky away from the snake.

"Darklight sword" faes held her swords which got covered with light and dark elements from each side. the side with light element gave a dazzling glow while the other side having darkness element looked like it would devour everything around it. together both elements gave a superior feeling. faes released her dragon pressure letting her aura free as she locked her bloodlust on the snake.

"you are doomed!" faes spoke in a low voice as she vanished from where she was and appeared near the snake her sword already swinging towards the snake's neck. alert the snake quickly blocked her sword using its tail but only hissed in the end.

the sword covered with both light and darkness easily cut through its tail leaving a deep wound after breaking through the thick scales. faes strike more than a dozen times in quick succession not allowing the snake to defend and giving time to others so that they can move away.

grey Eli and Ethan were already injured and after watching faes and especially her aura and glowing golden eyes they moved away going near sky and sarah. though they were unwilling they knew that if they stayed then they will only get in faes way and end up getting hurt.

"now i can get serious! how dare you try to hurt my baby?" faes spoke in a low eerie voice that even made the snake fear her for a second before it glared at faes.

the objects around came flying towards her once more along with hundreds of earthen spikes.

"heh!" faes snorted as she vanished just as the objects were about to collide with her appearing away, the objects ended up hurting the snake as faes was so close to it.

"dark whips, light arrows, shadow bind, light swords" faes activated most of her light and dark attributed skills madly attacking the snake. she had refrained from using these moves because both light and darkness attributes were rare and using them together was more than troublesome, along with which they both were high tier elements consuming more mana than other elements just like lightning and ice.

the snake hissed in pain as the sharp light and dark attribute attacks attacked it, faes had one more reason for not using these elements together and that was the torture that came with these attacks.

the dark whips attack hurting and inflicting the darkness attribute into the body while the light arrows cleanse the darkness along with hurting physically, while the shadow bind will hold the snake tearing into its body while holding it down and the light swords will cut it. the pain and suffering the opposite attributes brought were more agonizing than any other torture methods faes knew.

but even after breaking free of her attacks, the snake was alive. it was in the end a legendary beast, having high defence, hp, mana and intelligence were normal for it. even after those attacks it only had a few places with broken scales and cuts and was bleeding. it had about eighty percent of its hp and after the attacks, it dropped to forty percent directly, one can see how strong those attacks were.

"hiss!" angry the snake grew in size regaining its original twenty meters long size but this time it had three heads rather than one.

all three heads glared at faes before the ground began to shake and spikes rose from the ground while a few stones and spikes rose in the air attacking faes from all directions, the whole place was filled with spikes and stones. while these spikes attacked faes dust rose around her obscuring everyone's vision. the third head in the centre opened its mouth and a green fog came out of it, the green poisonous fog covered the whole area filled with spikes further decreasing the sight.

others who were at a distance watching gasped in panic when they noticed the poisonous fog and the whole attack. if it were them, they would be dead by now but they hoped that faes was fine.

"it's time!" sky said as she noticed something in the dust cloud and called her wings, eyes glowing blueish purple while she rose slightly in air.

"dragon god phantom! emerge and protect us" sky shouted as a purple light engulfed her body.

the purple light grew outwards blinding others present near sky and the pressure they felt forced them to retreat further away from the battle area. the purple light grew to form a dragon phantom with sky at its heart's place. purple scales covered the phantom while its purple feathered wings stretched blocking the area where others were from the battle area.