the sun-moon waterfall and cave

everyone was shocked after observing the map. about two dozen elite establishment stage wolves guarded the cave entrance, fifty elite establishment stage wolves were present inside the cave along with thirty noble establishment stage wolves and five king establishment stage wolves. not to say there were also two elemental strengthening stage wolves who can also use magic. while even the king establishment stage wolves can use qi!

it wasn't the same as raiding the mines as the snakes weren't coordinated, wolves usually lived in packs and were coordinated with each other. they can fight as professionals!

"ms faes why is the innermost area black?" gray asked pointing the innermost area.

"that i don't know, i just know that there is something stronger there, one living being. but what they are that i don't know" faes shook her head.

"then how are we going to deal with them? even fighting the wolves will take a lot of time" ethan commented as everyone frowned.

"how about we don't kill them but sneak past them?" sky asked suddenly sitting in faes lap and making herself comfortable yawning.

"how can we all sneak past these wolves? and we don't even know what kind of being is in the end" sarah shook her head but faes smiled

"its a good idea! you all can enter mystic fog castle while i can use hide zero to sneak in! they wont even know someone is inside the cave!" faes exclaimed before rubbing sky's head fondly

"my baby is so smart!"

"of course i am!" sky smiled as she closed her eyes planning to sleep.

"i refuse! its a very dangerous plan!" others instantly refused

"don't worry they wont discover me!" faes confidently assured. she had actually forgotten about her hide zero. she had told the system to use it on her race constantly but she haven't used it for a while now.

"but even then what are you going to do if you are discovered after entering the blackened area?" eli asked

"if i am discovered i will either teleport out of the cave or enter mystic fog castle, if i am not then i will simply pick up the treasure and run away"

faes smiled knowing her plan wasn't good enough. she cant teleport in or out of the blocked area according to the system but others didn't know that and they didn't need to know either.

"in case you are discovered and cant teleport away just call us out of mystic fog castle we will help you" gray smiled knowing what faes was thinking. they had been near her enough to know her. she was definitely hiding something from them but if it wasn't dangerous enough then she will take the risk.

after that they made different plans according to various conditions. if they were to fight the wolves, if they are to run away and all other plans, they were going to enter the cave tomorrow.

as they were done the upgrade was long ended, allowing them to enter mystic fog castle again.

but just as they entered and planned to go to bed faes paused turning to the forest in mystic fog castle with wide eyes fear shining in her eyes was clear. watching her actions others took defensive positions instantly. but they didn't sense what was wrong. sky who had fallen asleep in faes arms woke up sensing faes fear.

"everyone enter the castle and don't come out until i say so" faes ordered suddenly handing sky to emma.

"but your highness what is wrong?" gray wanted to ask about her actions but when he saw faes serious face he sighed.

"its not something dangerous dont worry she will be fine" kai appeared near faes patting and rubbing her head smiling.

hearing kai others reluctantly entered the castle.

"you sense it? there is something watching us from the forest" faes muttered moving closer to kai unconsciously.

"yes, why dont you go over and see what it is?" kai suggested then added after observing faes "i will come with you"

faes took a deep breath controlling her fear then went in the forest which was filled with darkness of night.

"is that sound of a waterfall?" faes was shocked to hear running water after entering the forest. the forest which had not been vast was now covering a lot more area with some being dense and some open. the more faes went deeper the more she felt like someone was watching her. faes followed the sound of the waterfall and soon arrived in front of it.

"its indeed a waterfall!" she exclaimed surprised.

in the forest there was a clearing and a mountain. there was a small lake above the mountain from which the waterfall was flowing on the clearing below in the small pond like area. the area around it was shining and various plants covered the area. the area also had veins hiding a small amount of the water making a perfect area for taking a bath.

"there seems to be a cave there" kai pointed out. on the other side of the waterfall there was a cave hidden by veins some distance away. faes went forward to inspect the cave but suddenly something black flew over from the top of the mountain where another cave seem to be present and landed over her after making her fall on the ground.

faes glanced at the two feet tall black falcon currently sitting on her stomach with wide eyes. the black falcon had meter long black feather wings while it had a white crescent moon over its forehead. its talons were sharp and its whitish blue eyes were observing faes shining slightly.

"tae li greets master faes" a melodic but sharp voice came out of the bird's beak shocking faes.

"tae li?" faes was not sure what was even happening but suddenly a system notification appeared in her vision

[congratulations on discovering the sun-moon waterfall and caves.]

[congratulations on acquiring a companion]

[name- tae li

title- faes companion, lunar divine beast queen, holynight guardian

race/bloodline: divine falcon

cultivation- elemental strengthening stage 1

powers- darkness, lightening, space and ice magic and qi]

faes watched tae li as her fear slowly faded away replaced by excitement. she now have a pet falcon that is anything but extraordinary!