the changes in alison

in the private room faes and alison sat silently watching each other seriously.

"i believe i have seen you before with his majesty late king aiden shadowdragon de reptiliance, in a cave in forest" alison spoke after while. he had thrown away of the girl in front of him being a twin as the connection he felt couldn't be replicated. the girl in front of him must be the same as the one who died in his arms that unfateful day. but how was she still alive?

faes sighed as she removed her mask allowing alison full view of her face and he just seem more determined after noticing her looks. 'they are indeed the same!'

"your highness i am sure you must be confused and curious as to why i am still alive after dying that day" faes spoke lightly to which alison nodded

"it went actually like this- before i fell in a vegetative state that day i haven't awakened my powers yet. but i fell in a vegetative state my powers began to rise and healed me keeping me from dying that day. after around a day i woke up and king aiden helped me with my powers saving and teaching me as his own daughter" faes spoke carefully.

"you are her royal highness princess faes? the first princess of kingdom reptiliance who late king aiden adopted?" alison asked. he didn't doubt the explanation and was slightly relieved and even happy that the girl he thought as his kin was still alive and well.

faes nodded "papa was generous enough to adopt me and make me a dragon princess" she wasn't going to tell him that she was a human princess as well.

both fell silent before alison began laughing stunning faes. 'why is he laughing? did my explanation made him go mad?'

"i couldn't believe that you are really alive! your highness i couldn't express how broken i was when i knew you were dead and weren't coming back to me. but my fate was good and brought you back to life!" alison spoke after stopping his laugh as he smiled at faes

"that's good i guess?" faes replied frowning as she eyed alison.

"please don't mind me. i am just happy to know that you are still alive! at that time when i thought you were dead, i was broken and i was here to find your family. to think i would find you alive~ i couldn't be any happier!" alison stood up as he cam to faes side offering his hand.

faes glanced at his gloved hand before his eyes which seem to have turned moist. feeling that he was being emotional faes gave him her own hand but she wasn't expecting him to pull her in a tight hug.

"please just don't leave me alone again" alison whispered against her hair as few tears left his eyes. faes somehow felt how relieved alison was and she too relaxed against his tight hold, placing her head on his chest feeling somehow safe like she did with aiden. with alison around he faes knew no harm would come to her.

"i apologize; it must be embarrassing to see a crown prince who is older than you break down as such" alison released faes blushing after he calmed down and accepted that the girl he was interested in was alive and with him.

as for faes she grinned wanting to tease the big boy in front of her.

"its alright i wont tell anyone that the big boy crown prince of devil kingdom is a crybaby"

when alison heard faes he laughed nervously his blush intensifying. he haven't felt these emotions before but they weren't bad.

"please call me ali" alison spoke as he gently smiled at faes

"and you can call me faes"

"i am curious princess faes- when i met you first time you were clearly a human then how come you became a dragon princess?" alison asked suddenly realizing something.

"remember i awakened my powers that time? those allowed me to have some ancient dragon powers" faes spoke

"i see." alison realized something as he noticed currently he couldn't tell what race faes was of or even her cultivation. maybe its related to her powers.

alison dismissed the thoughts as there was a knock on the door and faes called for the person to enter.

it was sky who ran to faes lap giggling with a candy in her mouth

"sky ordered food for all of us before we go to the auction, its alright?" sky asked faes curiously glancing at both faes and alison.

"its alright baby i was hungry" faes rubbed her head before she introduced alison to sky

"big brother ali!" sky immediately ran to ali jumping in his lap and hugging him. "another big brother for sky!"

alison was not shocked to know who sky was but he wasn't expecting the tiny girl to be this excited. but what he focused on was- "another big brother?" alison frowned glancing at faes who suddenly felt a chill in her spine.

"she is talking about big brother black and adrian probably" faes smiled nervously as ali relaxed. he didn't wanted to share faes with anyone but he could also not keep her all to himself after all she was now a princess and have many people around her.

"big brother ali- we are going to the auction after this would you like to come with us?" sky asked as ali grinned at the tiny princess in his lap. he somehow wasn't irritated with these two girls touching him like he was with others. when others even came a bit closer his temper would rise and he would release his bloodlust but when the two girls in front of him even hugged him alison only felt warmth. such warmth and love that he haven't even felt from his own father or anyone else.

"what a coincidence- i was also planning to head there" ali patted sky's head. the tiny princess got excited just like that and all three of them ate to their heart's content laughing and enjoying shocking their aide's.


in devil kingdom royal capital, royal palace

the king watched the video alison's aide showed and was stunned. in the video alison was smiling laughing and even hugging the two girls as they talking and ate.

this was the second time king thomas saw his son smiling and that too again because of a girl. he had thought that sending alison to find that girl's family will take his mind off and keep him from falling into depression but thomas wasn't expecting his son to get acquainted with another girl and even befriend her.

alison rarely talked much less made friends and thomas had never even seen someone getting close to alison much less touch him. while alison took initiative to hug these girls.

"who are they?" thomas asked hope budding in his heart for his son.

"replying to your majesty, they are the royal princesses of kingdom reptiliance- her royal highness princess faes shadowdragon de reptiliance and her royal highness princess sky mani shadowdragon de reptiliance" the aide reported.

"don't disturb prince alison and let him have fun for a while. if anything happens just report back to me immediately" thomas ordered as he ended the call.

maybe fate had listened to him and sent the princesses to help alison from going crazy. 'lets hope alison finds what he is looking for'