the secret of the power.

while the others were interrogating sky regarding faes and kai and getting speechless, the two protagonists arrived in faes room.

"what happened to me?" faes asked just as kai put her on the bed.

"you went through compensation" kai answered; kai was expressionless but the tone he used was serious and faes sat up frowning.

"compensation? what is that?" faes have not heard about this before. but before kai could answer and explain her faes suddenly heard a notification sound and a few letters came floating in her lap making her sigh.

kai also smiled at the letters "looks like king aiden doesn't want to leave. he probably explained about compensation in those letters. i would continue explaining it further from where he left them" kai sat near faes and pulled her into his lap, resting his head on her shoulder.

faes had no objections as she began reading through the letters. they all had different motifs, one told her to forgive her biological family and let them free in the mystic fog castle, one explained her about some other things but the last one caught faes attention. it indeed mentioned about compensation.

"dear faes,

if you are reading this, then it means you experienced the compensation and somehow overcame it.

you must be confused regarding compensation as it was not mentioned into any records and even taught to anyone. there is a reason for that.

not everyone go through compensation. it only happens to the selected few and is not something good.

our energy and mana are the source of our magic and strength, but only when they are under our control. if these powers go out of control they begin to consume a person's sanity and make them pay using different methods.

some lose their health, some become obsessive, some become beasts losing their rationality and emotions, while there are some who become bloodthirsty and kill. there are also many more kinds of compensation, and many of them are harmless, but the more powerful a person going through compensation is the more ruthless the compensation is. knowing you, your cultivation should already be high enough to call a serious compensation.

i am not sure about what your compensation is but you merely need to control your powers to overcome it or get someone to help you. i would recommend you seek kai's help as he is the only one i have known to have gone through compensation.

hope you manage to overcome it.

love aiden"

faes frowned as she once again felt dizzy. she belatedly realised that kai had pulled more of her energy and mana into himself while she was distracted from reading the letter.

"why are you still sucking my mana?" faes asked but her voice already sounded weak.

kai merely tightened his hold on her before losing his grip allowing her to move but still held her close in his lap. faes turned sideways to face kai when he didn't reply.

"what is my compensation?" faes asked even though she already knew it in her head.

kai observed her for a while before sighing

"your compensation is bloodlust. you would kill everyone your power deems as a threat." kai paused before he continued

"and its one of the deadliest compensations. you would face a probability of undergoing compensation everytime you use your power from now on. bloodlust, it isn't as simple as just killing. it means being a cold killer, who loves to kill and torture the prey before killing, making them die in the most brutal and painful way, you would begin by loving to kill, then to grow towards torturing them and drinking their blood, not to mention some bloodlust compensations lose their minds and eat their prey after cooking them alive." kai frowned as he tightened his hold on faes as she stared at him with wide eyes.

faes was shocked enough to learn about compensations but now she was being told that she can as well become someone who eats others after killing them? sure some of her powers need her to absorb blood essence and for that she needs to drink blood but it was not something she like and have barely absorbed blood essence a few times.

but after imagining the scenario where she could possibly torture someone then cook them alive before eating them was just nauseating!

"calm down" kai spoke when he noticed faes powers going out of control again.

"the more restless you are the more your powers are unrestrained. you need to keep your emotions in check and always have an eye on the powers. i have some ways to keep these powers under check" kai spoke as faes hugged him tightly turning completely in his lap and wrapping her legs around his waist.

with her head buried in his neck faes shook in fear

"how do i control them?" she asked as she felt kai increasing the amount of power being absorbed. kai was just a soul and he might not be able to handle so much energy without a body!

"don't worry just focus and move your mana all around your body, keep it busy in nourishing your bones and cells. keep yourself calm, the calmer you are the more your powers are under control. your emotions also affect the control over your powers so keep those in check too. you can repeat a mantra in your mind or use meditation. there are also many meditating beads that you can use. as for other items, nightlight also has a calming effect but it isn't as powerful because it is incomplete"

kai gave her many ways to keep her powers in check and most of them were simple. that calmed faes.

she even had a few beads with her that she bought randomly from the market as they looked familiar.

faes took deep breaths to calm her emotions and repeated a few calming mantra she knew from her previous life. it helped her calm down but she could still feel her powers going out of control. as it was her first compensation, it was difficult to control.

"going through compensation for the first time is the hardest. as your powers fight you for the first time they are difficult to tame. most of the people who experience compensation lose themselves in the first time. though the next times aren't easy either the powers are easier to tame.

your compensation would fight you until your powers are completely settled. if you are having problem do tell i would help you calm them as there is one more method to overcome compensation. though i don't recommend it" kai spoke bitterly but his grip over faes tightened.

faes frowned at kai, from his tone this other method was a bitter topic for him. faes pulled back and met kai's eyes. she felt the complexity in them and recalled aiden's words.

kai was the only one who was known to have gone though compensation before! was the second method the one he used to overcome it?

"what is your compensation?" faes asked