a friendly spar turned deadly

faes, nia and alex went to the training ground for their spar while sky went to rest and eat something after their test.

it was only the three of them all against each other. while alex would use his sword and qi both, nia would use her magic and staff while faes could only use fire magic contrasting nia's ice magic and her martial arts against alex. 

thankfully faes had good control over her magic particles and could use it to create a sheild over herself to counter alex's weapon; not that it could cut through her tough skin but precaution was better than cure.

"let's begin then" faes grinned as she made a barrier around herself using fire magic particles directly stopping the ice nia tried to freeze her with. her fire was dark purple, almost black and hence the ice melted and evaporated after touching it creating mist around her.

"is that all?" faes smiled as she vanished attacking alex who blocked her attack using his qi covered sword.

with that their fight continued. though they were sparring against each other, it looked more like alex and nia were grouping up against faes.

faes was still at the same cultivation, vital strenthening stage 5. while the other two had levelled up a lot. and faes had just finished a tiring test almost depleting her mana. she barely had forty percent of her mana currently but it was enough for a little spar with her siblings. 

and her injuries from the test were almost healed.

"even in this condition you can still fight us and also not use your full strength. truly admirable" alex sighed as he turned fiercer in his attacks, hoping to at least break faes barrier.

"indeed using just this couldn't allow us to get past you, brother let's join hands" nia suggested raising her staff and preparing a spell.

"you two have already collaborated, and you still dare say to join hands? what else are you going to do heh?" faes huffed but did not stop them from collaborating.

she could test something she learned all this while. sky wasn't the only one who learned how to use Grimore's. though she lacked a proper one such as void grimore. but there were still other grinore's she could use.

"you think we cannot get you to use your full strength?" alex grinned as he used his qi to cover his whole body

his sword which was already covered in qi changed turning slightly, turning sharper as the qi began moving like a saw. and he attacked her using qi burst increasing his movement and attack speed.

faes grinned as she met alex and fought him in close quaters. but his attacks finally managed to cause ripples in her fire shield. 

"soon it will break" alex smiled noticing the effect on the shield. his hard work all was finally paying off.

he increased his attacks intensity, finally enjoying the feeling of fighting faes. before this whenever they fought he had only recieved one sided beating. 

alex had a hard time coming to terms that his little sister who everyone have thought to be a mortal who couldn't cultivate was this strong and could use so many abilities.

all this time alex and nia had followed faes learning and fighting together after faes revealed her real powers and abilities. they not only broke through their cultivation realm, but their skills and spells have even managed to break through their own tier. they can fight higher realm cultivators now.

it was all thanks to faes and sky, who not only helped them become good royals to their kingdom but also gave them pills to strengthen themselves along with knowledge and weapons to train their abilities. 

now they can finally fight with faes, even if she is in a weakened condition and could barely use her real abilities due to her compensation. 

"you can't win me this way" faes grinned as she noticed alex getting distracted midway and sent a punch towards him. alex quickly woke up from his thoughts and blocked using his sword but it still sent him flying and smashing in a wall nearby.

alex winced in pain as webbed cracks formed around the area he hit. but thankfully, the place was spelled to repair itself from such harm and soon the wall began repairing itself.

"i am not alone in this sis" alex grinned as he got up with the support of his sword. faes also grinned as she turned towards the incoming cold spell and punched the ground laughing.

the fire formed a dome shaped shield around her burning and crackling as the ice hit it. the world around faes turned into a world of ice and snow only the area dome covered remained hot burning in a bluish purple hue. the ice vaporized when it touched the fire of the dome forming a mist around giving it an etheral felling.

but faes was not smiling. faes was kneeling on the ground, gasping for air; her face crumbled in pain while her runic tattoo's burned with a black glow.

alex and nia who were expecting faes to block the attack were merrily enjoying their fight a while ago but when they noticed faes lack of words and actions they turned serious.

the blue purple dome vanished as ice began moving to where faes was, now lacking her barrier she created using the fire magic particles.

"faes!" nia quickly cancelled her spell and the ice around began to melt vanishing not harming faes and alex also begann running to faes in full speed not sure what was happening.

when the two siblings noticed faes burning runes still moving towards her, they gasped. thinking her compensation was activating again but faes raised her hand.

"stop, don't come here" faes spoke still gasping as she stood up. when the two noticed her grey eyes and the seriousness in her tone they paused moving back as per what faes motioned with her hands.

"what is wrong faes? are you alright?" alex asked concerned as he noticed the mana in the surrounding turning crazy suddenly and all fire type magic particles and mana began moving towards faes.

"i'm fine, i just-" faes was interrupted when a rumbling cound echoed around the whole capital.

the blue sky which still held sun shining turned dark as red colored clouds began appearing and forming a vortex.

"what is that?" all the nobles, citizens, knights, and royals left everything they were doing and focused on the red clouds and the fire type mana they were sucking around the capital.

"is that a tribulation?" some people who had some knowledge about the past and the event guessed what was causing this phenomenon but they were still frowning solemly.

they didn't know if this was really a tribulation or any spell the enemy caused. but in either cases it could bring harm to the capital.

while everyone was wondering what was the matter with the clouds red colored lightening cracked in the clouds and a bold fell down.