The match ends

[Third person pov]

The second set started with a now very downcast Seijoh team and an incredibly hyped up Karasuno team.

Iwazumi, the last player with his spirit still up, went to the serve line. While preparing to serve he thought about Oikawa and how he said the team that he had an minor injury and today was his checkup so he might be late. Well he was damn wrong but to his defense, he didn't knew that Karasuno had a monster like Rei.

Iwaizumi grapped the ball, spunit a bit in his hand then threw it up and spiked it only to be recived by the Karasuno captain.

The recive from Daichi went prefectly to Kageyama wo tossed it to Tanaka who finished the ball with a straight. "YOSHAAAA" he yelled

"Nice kill" the team shouted


When it came to the serve Kageyama was on turn, he went to the line and grapped the ball. In his mind was the form of Rei and how he executed every step.

He gripped it and slammed it two times down, then focused on the positioning of Seijoh and analyzed it. He threw the ball up jumped like Rei (more like tried it) and tried to hit it like Rei.

The ball was strong but alas had absolutely no aim so he flew over the court

Everyone was a bit dumbfounded for several reasons

1. A lot of players wonderd why he changed his form and why that serve was so bad

2. The more inteligent or observant players acutally realised that he tried to copy Rei's serve and where shocked bc even though it went over the court and the form was still sloppy, it was a good first try.

'Not bad, not bad at all' Rei thought as he watched the scene unfold.


After a few exchanges it was finally Rei's turn to serve again. At this moment his whole demanour changed and he got totally serious.

And poor Seijoh who after a few difficult ball exchanges gained the close lead (4-5, I will always,when I say the score, mention Karasuno first so that you don't wonder. And btw. I don't play volleyball myself so if this constelation would not be possible in real life I'm sorry.) was now going to face hell again.


And hell they did face Rei had already 9 no-touch aces again, he constantly switched his hands and sorts of serves.

He, luckily for Seijoh failed his 10th serve and hit it a bit to far left, out of bounds.

"Goshh if this continues we will just get reckt, oi Iwazumi where the hell is Oikawa" the coach shouted

"He probably is still at the doctors clinic to get his check up, that idiot he was the one to propose the game because he is fcking envious of his genius junior and thus provoked a sleeping monster. If he doesn't come on time he'll face hell"


The game continued in Karasunos favour though Seijoh scored a bit more bc Iwaizumi found a few ways to go around the blocks he is after all a good ace. Only Rei troubeld him but even he couldn't completly shut him down cause Iwaizumi adapted to the game.

Still the score was only 23-11. A complete humiliation for Seijoh

The next serve was Shoyo who even thought didn't panic the game like canon (for obvious reasons like his brother just demolishing Seijoh) still played not on top of his game and only scored 6 times (both sets). But he wanted more and he got an crazy idea. He went to the serve line and in his mind played the serve if Iwaizumi,Rei and Kageyama(both forms).He spun the ball a bit then threw it up sprinted jumped like the reincarnation of the god of the vertical jump he is and slammed the ball. The ball unexpectedly went on the side of Seijoh who were confused and dumbfounded and thus couldn't recive the ball.

"..." dead silence

*bang* was heard, that was Rei who slapped the head of Shoyo and said "you crazy idiot probably thought about scoring more and came up with that idea right?!"

"hehehe~ yes" Shoyo says sheepishly

"idiot, but I'm still impressed" 'his vert probably increased after that ridicolus jump and he didn't even noticed it haaaah~ what a brother of mine' says and thinks Rei

Suddenly the whole Karasuno goes crazy and congratulate Shoyo(no he didn't master the serve already it was more luck than skill that he scored and bc he caught Seijoh off guard)


The game ended 25-12 cause Shoyo failed his second attempt miserably and nearly headshotted Kageyama again.

Karasuno was very happy and Seijoh just couldn't belive what happend and where down af.

The audience was impressed with Karasuno, and that one boy who filmed everything was gigling and talking about how it will go viral and he will become famous.


At the entrance to the gym Oikawa, who just came back from the doc heard some cheering from Karasuno and only silence from the rest and thought 'mhhhh~ seems like Karasuno won the first set that means I can still crush Tobio~chan hihih'

But to Oikawas complete shock and disbelive when he entered and looked at his team he saw how down they were and, that there was a huge crowd. He went to his team and asked "Oii, guys don't be down just cuase you lost one set, now with me we gonna crush them"


Oikawa who heard this was jaw-slacked, lost?! already? Is Karasuno so good? Hinata Twins?

"Whàt?" was al that Oikawa could say

Then when he looked over to Karasuno everything clicked.

He saw that orange haired demon who humiliated him at Sendai-City gym.But that story is for another time.

'That mothefu-' suddenly a ball hit Oikawa. He turned around and saw Iwaizumi and just ran for his life.


At Karsunos side

"We won" "YOHS" and things like this were said

"Aöright guys even though we won we still need to practice on our recives, cause they were dog shit *glances at Tsukishima*" Rei said while subtly insulting Tsukishima, who obviously saw it but ignored it.

"Besidse Oikawa never came on the court, so they were only 50% Seijoh" Rei added, yes in Reis mind Oikawa is atleas 50% of Seijohs qualities

"Ohh, right" Kageyama suddenly realised

" Alright everyone huddle up and say thank you"

So they did and with that went back to the bus, the drive was rather quiet cause most players were sleeping.


Meanwhile without knwoing Karasuno got, through the video from that one dude, on the radar of a lot of team, well atleas in Miyagi.And without them knwoing they rose to a top contender for the tournament winner.

*To be continued*


Alright hope ya enjoyed the chap, if then comment,leave some power stones and maybe just maybe a good review.

As always I'm open for ideas to the beterment of this story and my own writning aswell as critic.