Unknown traits.

Brandon's POV

I finally let my mind take over as I forced myself to open my eyes. I blinked drowsily as I looked at my bedside clock.

10:00 AM.

Lucky, I thought as I realized I had class in an hour and had woken up just in time to get ready. Groggily, I reached out for my phone on the table as I shook off the bedsheets. As I picked it up, I noticed a piece of paper under it.

" Thanks for last night! I got some breakfast and since you were asleep I thought I'd get some for you too. Hope it's still warm by the time you eat : ) " it read.

This boy, I thought as I shook my head with a smile. He was a real nice guy, even though he was pretty silent.

Now that I thought about it, I knew very little about him and for that matter neither did he know anything about me.

When it came to college, we hung out with our own circle of friends especially since we were in different departments, him being in architecture and me being in business administration.

I should get to know him more I thought as I got ready, my mind for some reason digging up memories of random friends from school in the midst.

Just as I was about to lock the door, I noticed Luke's key still on the key holder hook. Ah shucks, I thought, grabbing it and hoping that I could give it to him at some point during the day since I had a department initiation session later on and would be back late.

Suddenly my phone rang and as luck would have it, it was Luke.

" Hey " I answered, picking up the call on its second ring itself. " Heyy, you awake? " His voice came through, clear and light.

" Yep, was just about to head out to class, you left your key here by the way. Also thanks for the food! " I answered as I jumped from one topic to another as they bounced off my head.

With a soft chuckle, he said, " No problem. That's why I called actually, it was regarding the key. I'll collect it from you in lunch, is that okay with you? "

I quickly answered him, saying that I would call him up in lunch after glancing at my watch and realizing that I was going to be late yet again.

A few classes later, it was finally lunch and I couldn't have been happier. " I really really hope that we get used to this schedule because I just cannot seem to stay awake in class. " The girl beside me, who was as tall as me, ranted.

" Does it matter, Kris? You score top either way. " I answered with a playful smile as we walked out of class together.

Kris, short for Kristie was one of my best friends from high school and coincidentally we ended up taking the same major in the same college.

" Shut up, Bran. " She said as she kicked me lightly. " Come on, let's try that new restaurant outside the college for lunch today. "

" Ah, wait. I have to do something before that. " I said as I grabbed my phone and made a call. It was seven rings in and there was still no answer. I called again and this time too nobody picked up.

" What's wrong? " Kris asked. " Luke's not picking up. He forgot his key in the room this morning and I told him I'll give it to him in lunch. " I explained quickly.

" Do you have the numbers of any of his friends? " She asked. I shrugged with a sideway nod, implying a no.

" Hmm... Let's go find him at his department then. I'm pretty sure we can ask around and find him easily there. " Kris suggested.

After walking for a bit and asking quite a few people where the first year's class would probably be, we stumbled upon a few first-year architecture guys.

" Um hello, excuse me but, do you know where Luke is? " I asked the group of guys that were walking out of class together.

" Luke? " The guy I asked blinked as he turned around and looked at the scattered students coming out of the class.

" Huh, his entire group isn't here..." He remarked to himself and suddenly said " Oh yeah!! They're probably at the match. You should check out the boxing clubroom that's opposite the ground. He should be there. "

Wait, boxing? He was a boxer? I really did know nothing about him! I thought as I flashed back to my thoughts from the morning.