Luke's POV
" So all of you are in the boxing club? " Kris asked as we sat at the table and waited for the food to arrive.
Fran snort laughed as he tried to cover it up with a fake cough. Luan smirked and looked over at Coney who was sitting on the same side as Kris and Brandon.
" Well let's just say one of us freezes at the sight of close-up punches, like a deer caught in headlights. The rest of us are pretty good though. " Luan said without breaking eye contact with Coney.
"Oh shut up. " Coney grumbled as he rolled his eyes and leaned back into the cushioned seat. Brandon turned to his right and asked, " So what club are you in? " " Fine arts " Coney replied with a smile.
" I specialize in painting. So if I ever need a pretty model, would you be so kind as to assist me? " He said as he leaned over so he could see Kris.
Fran and Luan collectively sighed and I just rolled my eyes. Here we go again.
" You're still single aren't you. " Kris said staring straight at him. And it was a statement, not even a bit of a question lingered in her tone. Taken aback by that unexpected comment, Coney replied with a " How did you - "
But even before he could finish, she said with a shrug, " This is exactly why. " " Ouch. " He replied with a chuckle.
" I should have answered with my 'Why are you interested?' line instead. Ah shucks! You took me by surprise and made me lose my flow! " He exclaimed.
The whole table laughed as I remarked, " And that is officially the fastest you've ever been turned down since you opened your mouth around any girl. "
Fran and Luan nodded vigorously and Coney tried to come back with a smug look as he said, " Hey, she hasn't said straight up that she's not interested. "
To which, Kris immediately replied, " Yeah, nope. I'm not interested, buddy. "
Brandon tried to cover his laugh as Fran and Luan roared with laughter. I tried hard to not look at them but gave in and laughed with them when Coney looked up and wiped his fake tears.
The food arrived and saved him from more rejection as the topic of conversation steered towards it.
Suddenly I realized that I didn't know what club Brandon was in. " By the way, what about both of you? What clubs are you guys in? "
" I'm in the literature club and she's in the music club. " Brandon answered for both of them. " Oh! That's nice I like reading a lot too!! " I replied and at the same time, Luan asked, " Do you play an instrument, Kris? "
" Ah no, I'm a vocalist actually. I'm learning the guitar though. " Kris said as she finished her entire glass of water.
" Oo a singer and learning guitar eh? Hmm. Nice. " Fran replied as the twins gave each other a glance when Kris and Brandon weren't looking. Knowing them, that usually meant they had some idea cooking.
"Anyway, what books do you like reading? " Brandon asked as he picked up his spoon of pasta. " I read all genres. Both fiction and non-fiction. - " He nodded as he continued to eat.
" I think the current ones that I've been reading quite a bit, even though she's only released them recently are Knightley Camey's books. " I said in a flow.
Brandon suddenly choked and coughed as Kris gave him water. " The odds. " Kris muttered as she went back to eating. " The odds -? " I asked.
Surprised that I'd heard her, she quickly said, " He's a huge fan of Knightley Camey. He likes her books a lot. He's read all three of them. Haven't you? " With the last question, she turned to him and gave him a smug smile.
Shooting her a deadly look, he quickly looked at me and nervously said, " Yep... Her works are good, aren't they? "
" Yeah! " I nodded enthusiastically, excited that we had the same interests.
But little could I foresee how much that one piece of information could make such an impact in our lives.