Study session

Alyssa nearly snorted at that. She was the one who had been putting up boundaries. Now, he was laying down the rules.

She grabbed her flashcards off of her nightstand and started shuffling through them, studying quietly as Elias read through his textbook.

It didn't take long for them to glance over at each other with smiles. Of course, it was hard to fully concentrate when they were around each other.

Elias moved to lay his head down on her pillow, holding his arm out to encourage her to lay down next to him.

"Quiz me," he told her.

Alyssa smiled to herself. At least they were trying to multitask and still study a little. She thought of a question.

"What are imaginary sensory perceptions?" Alyssa asked him, pulling the definition from one of the last flashcards she studied.

Elias narrowed his eyes slightly as he stared at the ceiling and thought.

"Wait… I know this one," he murmured before he brightened up. "Hallucinations."