Happy moments

Alyssa brushed her hair back from her face as she caught her breath. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she tried to compose herself and not act like she just got done making out with him in the hallway.

"Guess I'll just have to fantasize while answering questions about The Great Gatsby,"

Alyssa smirked as she stepped away from the wall. Luckily, she had read that book multiple times before even stepping foot in college, so she wasn't too worried about forgetting what happened in the book.

Elias chuckled as he tilted his head at her.

"I bet you can multitask well," he said.

Alyssa pressed her teeth into her bottom lip to try to conceal her smile. She had a feeling that he wasn't talking about taking a test.

"I guess we'll see," she replied. She was nervous about her first time with him, but she was also excited.