Not in a million years

"That's great!" Alyssa said as she wrapped her arms around Zoe and squeezed her. She wanted Zoe to feel the same happiness that she felt with Elias. It was a level of joy that she had never known before.

"Yeah, yeah," Zoe murmured, actually looking a bit bashful. "Anyway, let's head to downtown and grab a bite to eat."

Alyssa glanced down at herself. She was wearing leggings and a shirt. She had updated her wardrobe, but she still dressed pretty casually during the week when she had to do a lot of roaming around.

She liked to be comfortable. However, she didn't want to go out looking like this.

"Can I go to my dorm and get dressed first?" she asked. It was only five o'clock, so they had some time to spare before the nightlife really started booming.

Elias nodded.

"Let's go," he replied before standing up.

Alyssa watched them both trail her.

"Oh, you're both coming into the dorm with me?" she asked as they headed out of the café.