X’mas gift

Elias set the gifts down before drawing her into a tight hug.

"You're the best," he murmured into her soft hair. "Thank you so much."

Alyssa rubbed his back as her eyes fluttered shut for a few moments. She wanted more of these moments. She liked seeing him smile like this.

"Merry Christmas," she quipped as they broke apart.

"Stay here," Elias replied before walking off toward his bedroom.

Alyssa suspected that they were doing their Christmas now since they were together on Christmas Eve. She didn't mind pushing up their celebration.

It felt like the perfect time. She waited a minute until Elias walked out of his bedroom with a big bag full of white tissue paper in his hand.

Elias smiled and handed it over to her.

"Merry Christmas," he said as he watched her start to pull out the tissue paper.