
"Good. I'm great at history," Elias replied with a grin.

"Me too," Alyssa quipped. She flashed him a smile as they stood next to her. She liked history. It wasn't her best subject, but it was easy for her to study and remember. She retained it really well.

Elias cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe we should have a little competition," he commented.

Alyssa was intrigued as she turned toward him. She crossed her arms over her chest with a spatula in one hand.

"Really?" she asked.

Elias nodded, looking confident.

"Let's see who can finish the course with the highest grade," he replied.

This was Alyssa's type of competition. She already tried to get the highest grade she possibly could by default, but the thrill of competition would only make her try even harder. She smiled coyly.

"I like the sound of that. Are you a worthy competitor?" Alyssa teased him. He had gotten good grades this semester too.