The mistake

Alyssa adjusted her dark blue scrubs as she walked through the hallways of Lake Haven General, a local hospital. She had been working here as a medical assistant for a little more than a year now.

She enjoyed the job because she learned a lot, but it was a bit stressful at times. It was her first introduction into actually doing medical tasks on people on her own.

She didn't want to mess up, even though she knew that she would. Everyone messed up.

She walked into one of the patient rooms and put on a big smile once the patient lying in bed saw her.

"Hi, Mrs. Grady. I'm Alyssa. I'm just going to draw some blood from you," she said as she pulled a tray full of her needed equipment closer to the hospital bed.

Mrs. Grady was a woman in her mid-forties. She arrived at the hospital a few days ago for a minor surgery and was scheduled to leave soon. She just needed to be checked over to make sure that everything was alright first.