An issue

Campus life swarmed around Alyssa as she made her way to the coffee shop in the university's library to meet up with Zoe.

There was a lot to catch up on between the two. Alyssa hated how hard it was to coordinate their schedules this year, but they were preparing to start new lives.

They were moving in different directions, which made Alyssa sad, but she was also happy for them.

They were doing what they wanted to do in their sophomore year when they met each other. That was cause for celebration, not sadness.

She pulled open the door to the library, gasping when she almost ran into Scott. She stared at him with wide eyes for a second before ducking her head and trying to move past him.

She told Elias that she wouldn't talk to him, and she didn't feel like getting mixed into the drama anyway.

"Woah. Where are you running off to, honey?" Scott asked as he reached out to grab her left wrist.