Not alone

Alyssa nodded as she stood up from the couch. He seemed to be okay, but she just wasn't sure nowadays.

He was good at hiding his emotions, which made it hard for her to know if he was okay or not. She needed to get better at reading him.

"Everything okay?" she asked as she watched him grab his car keys.

Elias turned to her and gave her an intrigued look.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" he questioned her, searching her face with his eyes.

Alyssa didn't want him to think that she tried to eavesdrop when he was on the phone, so she smiled and shrugged.

"Just checking because of all the Scott stuff. Maybe he'll back off eventually," she said.

She tried to be optimistic, but it was hard to feel that way when Scott showed no sign of backing off anytime soon.

They would have to weather this storm or force Scott to back off. She preferred the drama free way.

"He should for his sake," Elias replied, his expression turning dark for a second.