Don’t panic

The force was still enough to send Alyssa stumbling to the ground. A huff left her as the breath was knocked from her.

How were they so strong? It wasn't like either of them looked like bodybuilders, but they had the strength of one somehow. She watched Elias get to his feet.

Scott didn't waste a second. He drove his foot against Elias' stomach, shoving him back against a nearby light pole.

Alyssa flinched when a loud clang sounded upon the impact. Her eyes then widened when Elias stumbled away from the light pole.

He made a dent in the pole. That had to be impossible. The force from that couldn't come from a body! None of this made any sense.

Elias lunged at Scott, taking him down to the ground. He hovered above Scott and drove punch after punch to Scott's face. His eyes looked dark, merciless.

Alyssa could only stare at him, feeling like she was seeing a person that she didn't recognize. She had never seen him this violent before.