
"What's this? The overachiever is late for work?" Jackson said as he moved to walk beside her. "Forget your textbooks or something?"

Alyssa kept her eyes forward, ignoring him. She didn't want to play his games today, but he refused to take a hint.

He thought that he was so funny, so charming. He wasn't. Not to her.

"Back off," she snapped at him as she turned to face him. She glared at him, warning him to go on somewhere before she got really pissed.

Jackson gave her a strange look.

"What's your problem? Can't take a joke?" he asked.

"I can't take you right now," Alyssa replied before turning back around and continuing to walk down the hall.

Jackson didn't let the conversation die there. He followed her.

"You don't have to be such a bitch," he said.

Alyssa turned and got in his face, hardly able to hold herself back any longer.

"I said to back off! I won't tell you again!" she snapped.