Dr. Morgan

*Eight years later*

The sound of phones ringing and people chatting echoed throughout the lobby and stark white halls of the Bergland Children's Hospital.

The atmosphere of the hospital or any hospital was typically tense, but Alyssa strode into one of her patient's rooms with a smile on her face.

"How is she, Dr. Morgan? Did the surgery work?" a young mother with stress crinkles in her face asked Alyssa.

She held onto the strong arm of her equally worried husband. They both stood at the bedside of their young daughter, Aubrey, who was only thirteen and still asleep from the surgery.

Alyssa brushed her hair away from her face, which now only came down to her shoulders. She adjusted her black-framed glasses as one of her interns handed her the chart with the latest test results.

"It is my pleasure to inform you that the surgery was indeed successful in removing the tumor from her leg," Alyssa told the parents as she lowered the clipboard.