New guy

What could calm her after that? She considered calling the police, but she suspected that the creature was long gone after that dark figure attacked it.

She was grateful that she was saved, but why was the dark figure there in the first place?

All of the questions piling up in her mind made her head hurt. She didn't have any answers for any of them.

Frustration soon struck her. Things were going so well for her, and then that happened. She didn't even know if this was an isolated incident. What if this happened again?

She didn't even want to begin to think about what could happen if she was attacked again, but the dark figure wasn't around to help her.

She didn't know if the creature's intent was to kill her, but it certainly wasn't friendly.

It was safe to say that she didn't get much sleep that night, and she suspected that wouldn't change for the rest of the week.

