The secret

"Are you insane?" Alyssa snapped as Elias continued to drag her down the sidewalk away from the bar.

She planted her feet and yanked her hand away, stumbling back and nearly falling on the sidewalk.

She maintained her balance and glared at him. "You can't just drag me away from my friends."

"The guy pressuring you was your friend?" Elias asked with a displeased look on his face.

He looked like he had a lot to say, but he steeled his jaw and merely crossed his arms over his chest.

Alyssa rolled her eyes at him. Of course, he would make some huge deal over something not even worth talking about.

She needed him to back off because he wasn't her boyfriend anymore. He couldn't be possessive or jealous toward her.

He gave up the ability to be that way a long time ago.

"You pressured me to leave when I didn't want to!" she told him.

Elias' face fell a little when she said that. He glanced away from her, sighing.