Never again

That was it. She was getting a warning for something that she didn't even know. She had no idea what was going on or who was doing this to her.

She was growing sick and tired of it. Now, all of her belongings were destroyed.

"I'm going to take this person down. I swear," Elias growled beneath his breath as he paced through the apartment.

His cold eyes darted around, searching for any other clues that were left behind.

"What do I do? I don't know what to do," Alyssa fretted as she put her hands behind her head. She looked around hopelessly.

She didn't have the energy or the time to repair her apartment. She didn't even feel safe here anymore since someone could break in so easily.

Elias stopped his angry pacing immediately and strode over to her. He took her trembling hands, giving them a comforting squeeze.

"Hey, it's okay. Let's grab some of your things, and you can stay with me for now," Elias told her.