
"I think we can work out our own form of normal," Alyssa told him. She didn't want to banish him from her life.

She believed that maybe they could coexist again. They could have dinner together, watch movies, and be friends. Or more. The potential was there.

Elias seemed to visibly brighten up at that.

"Yeah, I'd like that," he told her.

Alyssa held his gaze for a few minutes, smiling at him.

"So, are we doing this plan or what?" she asked him, wanting to confirm that he was onboard.

They had to set up a time and a place, and she wanted to do this soon. The sooner that she could get this over with, the better that she would feel.

Elias took in a deep breath before finally nodding.

"There's a park about three miles from here. We can do it there whenever you're ready to," he told her, giving in.

Alyssa would've jumped for joy if she wasn't agreeing to a possible sacrifice. She was glad that he was going to help her, though.