
The bell on top of the glass door of Nick's Diner dinged shrilly as Elias and Alyssa strode inside.

Despite the heat flowing through the diner, it felt cold and still inside. Elias was pretty sure that was just his nerves.

He already felt uncomfortable being here, but there was no turning back now. The bell had announced their arrival.

He glanced to the left to see Scott, Tyler, and Melina seated in a booth toward the back corner. He glanced at Alyssa, who nodded to him, motioning for him to start walking their way.

It felt like his feet were weighed down by bricks, but he continued to move despite the feeling. He sat down with Alyssa across from the other three.

"Thanks for coming," Melina said, giving the two of them a polite smile. She looked relieved that they even showed up.

"What a surprise," Scott muttered, making Elias roll his eyes.