One night

He had no idea how long he was going to be gone for, so he didn't want to be set too far behind. It made him feel better to know that he would be able to catch up once things settled. If they ever did.

"Alright. Okay. Thank you," Elias murmured before hanging up. He sighed and tossed his phone on the couch, continuing to pace.

Soon, he would leave New York behind and head all over the country, trying to outpace Alaric and his followers.

He hardly knew anything about his enemy, but he knew that Alaric was real. He had seen him.

Elias turned when he heard the front door unlock and then swing open. He watched Alyssa walk inside with a slight slump to her shoulders that she tried to shake off before he saw. He frowned and walked over to her.

"How did it go?" he asked her. He had been regretting this day, but he couldn't stop it from coming. Neither could she.