
Once Elias walked into the motel room that he and Alyssa would be sharing for the night, relief flooded through him.

He was glad to be off that RV for at least a little while, especially after that awful nightmare that he had.

The tension was really wearing down on him and having some space would really help.

"I'm going to take a shower," Elias told Alyssa before heading into the bathroom. He shut the door behind him with a sigh, feeling weight all throughout his body.

Tomorrow would be a big day for him and Melina. They would show each other the limits of their powers and then figure out how to combine them.

Deep down, he was nervous. What if he wasn't powerful enough? What if they weren't powerful enough together to take down Alaric?

He had no idea what they would do then. Alaric would wreak havoc and eventually kill all of them once he overpowered them. There wasn't a happy ending to that version of the story.