Meeting the enemy

"Yeah, the machine was out," he told her as he set the ice bucket down, forgetting about the wine.

He was tired. He honestly just needed to go to bed. He crawled under the covers and laid close to Alyssa, letting her crawl into his arms and lay on his chest.

"You feel tense. Are you okay?" Alyssa asked him as she rubbed his chest softly.

Elias nodded, forcing himself to relax. He just fell. It wasn't a big deal. It was certainly odd, but weird things happened all of the time.

He lived his life with one foot in the human world and one foot in the supernatural world. Nothing was normal about his life, no matter how much he tried to make it that way.

"Yeah. I'm just tired," he replied. "Not ready to get back on the RV tomorrow."

Alyssa nodded her understanding.

"This will all be over before we know it," she told him before letting her eyes flutter shut.