Double date

That pained him a little because he just wanted her to stay safe, but she survived just fine without him for a long time.

She kept herself together, watched out for herself, and made something of herself. He would never deny her intellect and determination, and he knew that she would use it to survive if danger came her way.

He just wanted to give her more of a fighting chance against the supernatural, which did not play fair.

"Fine. You can come with me, but you stay right by my side," he told her sternly. He needed her to stay close just in case.

Alyssa perked up and jumped to her feet to follow him out of the RV. She placed her hand on his back, moving with him as they approached the motel, which looked a lot like the last one. Not much creativity was put into their designs.

"Do you see anything weird?" she asked him.

Elias smirked and glanced at her.