Meeting the enemies

The group crashed into the nearby woods, darting through the darkness away from the car.

They didn't stop to see if anyone got out or if anyone was following them.

They just ran. It felt like their best shot at survival, and none of them wanted to start a fire in the middle of the highway. No one was ready.

Elias felt his heart threaten to beat right out of his chest as he dodged around trees and through bushes, dragging Alyssa along with him.

He moved faster than her, able to hear her huffing and panting as she tried to keep up. He knew that she was uncomfortable right now, but she had to keep going. They couldn't stop now.

Melina ran at Alyssa's side as Tyler took the lead of the group, leading them deeper and deeper into the woods.

There wasn't a planned location for them to go. They were just running, hoping that they got away from whoever was in the car before they caught them. Running was their way of fighting for now.