
Alaric cried out in pain as his face was severely burned. He stumbled away from Elias, grabbing at his face as it turned red and started to blister from the heat. He gritted his teeth angrily, fighting through the pain.

Elias hurried to his feet, glancing down at his hands as the flames died down.

He was endlessly glad for his fire ability, but he would have to pull moves better than that. Alaric would be hard to take down.

While Alaric was distracted, Scott dealt a hefty punch to his stomach, knocking the breath out of him. He lifted his knee rapidly, knocking Alaric upside the chin.

"Not so tough now, huh?" Scott spat at Alaric as he dropped down to his knees.

Alaric's head suddenly snapped up as he glared at Scott. He reached up and placed his hand on Scott's side, his eyes flashing dark.

A shrill cry of pain broke from Scott as that side of his rib cage suddenly broke. He fell to the ground, panting in pain as he grabbed his side.