Losing someone

"I wouldn't be surprised. He's an awful person," Alyssa replied with a frown. "Maybe you should really try to go talk to her."

"I feel like if she wanted to talk to me, she would have already. Maybe she isn't ready to tell me," Elias said as he shook his head.

He did care about Melina. He didn't like seeing her like this, and it made him even angrier at Alaric for the effect that he had on Melina. He did something terrible to her to make her like this.

"Maybe not. You should still try to talk to her and at least let her know that you're there for her," Alyssa pointed out as she lifted her eyebrows at him.

Elias figured that Alyssa was right. He had to at least try. If Melina blew him off, then she blew him off.

He would continue to give her space until she felt like talking. Hopefully, that would be soon. It was odd not talking to her.

He was used to at least strategizing with her, and she didn't even want to do that.