
Elias looked over at Melina, letting go of Alyssa so that she could stand from his lap. He pushed himself up to his feet, feeling like his heart was about to burst out of his chest.

He followed everyone off the RV, immediately getting hit with a strong feeling in his chest.

"Do you feel it?" Melina asked him as she paused, glancing around the small, bare town. The buildings were old, the street was quiet, and the tension was overwhelming.

Elias looked down the street, letting his eyes sweep over the buildings.

The feeling was calling to him, and it was ringing from a specific spot. When his eyes fell on an old church with chipped white paint, his heart stopped for a second.

"The church," he said.

Melina followed his gaze and then nodded.

"That has to be it," she replied.

Scott scoffed.

"A church? What kind of sick joke is that?" he asked.