
Elias threw the church doors open and stormed outside, finding Scott waiting a few feet away. He didn't hold himself back, coming close to Scott with a glare on his face.

"So, it's my fault that Melina was almost killed?" he snapped, fury flaring through him. He refused to let Scott pin all the blame on him.

He couldn't take that blame. It would crush him if Melina had been killed, and he thought that he was responsible.

"It was your stupid plan that almost got us all killed!" Scott replied sharply, standing his ground.

Maybe it wasn't the best plan in the world, but Elias didn't know what else to do. They had to take some sort of action.

He thought that they could catch Alaric off guard, overwhelm him, and then kill him.

But things went wrong like normal. Alaric kept surprising them with his powers, throwing everything he could at them. Literally.