Failed spell

Hy guys thank y'all for waiting for me. Sorry for not posting in February was going through stuffs. Also I want to thank you all for your support. Our book won a nomination price at WSA! It's all because of you. Lots of kisses cuz y'all are the best!

Silence filled Spell Lab 201 as all of the supernatural students stared at Melina, watching intently as she prepared to pull off an electricity spell that had already sent three students to the infirmary.

At the Axven School of the Supernatural Arts, the education was taken seriously, which could lead to serious injuries.

"She's going to electrocute herself like Alex," one of the popular witches, Octavia, scoffed to her friends.

Melina felt another wave of nervousness crash through her as she overheard her classmate's comment.

If she was honest with herself, Octavia was probably right. This spell was touchy, but she had practiced her dorm room every night for the past week. She could do this.