
"Melina," she replied. "Are you new here?"

A hint of a smile crossed Tyler's face as he nodded.

"How did you know?" he asked her as their hands parted.

Melina chewed on her bottom lip for a few moments as her eyes swept over him. She wasn't even sure. She just had a feeling. Maybe the biggest indicator was that he was even talking to her. Most people just ignored her.

"You'd be going to class instead of wandering around out here," she said with a light laugh. Behind Tyler, everyone was walking to their classes, going about their days.

He ended up near her door somehow, but she couldn't blame him. She had gotten lost multiple times on her first day because the place was so big.

"Right," Tyler replied as he shifted the strap of his bag higher up on his shoulder. "Could you show me where my first class is? I have no idea where to go."