Not safe

"Why? Are you… obsessed with me or something?" she asked him, wanting to know what his deal was with her. They only talked once. She didn't count their last encounter as a friendly conversation.

Tyler smirked and shook his head.

"I don't find this very funny," Melina said coldly. She didn't understand why he was laughing when he could see that she was uncomfortable and anxious because of everything going on.

She didn't want to be involved in any game that he was playing.

Tyler's expression straightened out as he sighed, continuing to kneel in front of her.

"Look, I'm not stalking you or anything. You're a nice girl, and I got a little concerned after seeing that person digging around in your room. It looked like she was up to no good," he said, leveling with her.

Melina blinked a few times as she held his gaze, trying to tell if he was lying or not. He seemed genuine, but she didn't trust her judgment.