
Early one morning, a knock sounded on Melina's door. She jolted awake, looking at the door with wide eyes before checking her phone for the time. It wasn't even seven in the morning yet.

Who could possibly be knocking on her door? Thinking it was probably someone from the school, she hurriedly hopped out of bed and opened the door.

"Blair?" Melina said with a surprised look on her face. She didn't even know that Blair got up this early.

Blair smiled sweetly at Melina.

"Hey, want to go foraging with me? Final exams will be here before we know it. We should stock up our ingredient supplies," she said as she held up two cloth bags.

Melina gave Blair a surprised look.

"Oh, you want to go with me? Don't you usually go with your other friends?" she asked out of pure curiosity.

She was used to foraging in the nearby forest alone because Blair and her popular group of friends usually made a girls' day out of it.