
Melina took in a deep, steadying breath before she knocked on the door to Tyler's dorm. She didn't even know if he was here, but it was the best place for her to try.

She waited a few minutes, lifting her hand to knock again when the door swung open.

Before he could register who was at his door, Tyler looked completely distraught. His eyes were red. His mouth was twisted down into a frown.

It looked like he had lost all hope. Then, the light flooded back to his eyes when he realized that she was there.

"Mel," he breathed out in relief. "I turned around and you were gone… I thought she took you."

Melina frowned, not realizing that she had freaked him out that much. She hadn't meant to. Things just got too intense, and she had to go off somewhere else just to breathe.

"I just needed some space. I'm sorry that I worried you," she murmured as she lowered her eyes. It was hard seeing him like this.