Her twin

The shaggy-haired man started choking. He struggled through the sensation, which was completely fake and a mind trick. With an angered growl, he grabbed Melina's throat, tightening his grip on her until it nearly felt crushing.

Now, Melina couldn't breathe. She gasped for air, hearing Tyler's shout from the floor as the blonde man pinned him down. It had to be the end for both of them.

They fought as hard as they could, but they could only do so much against three vampires. Black dots started to fill her vision. She prepared to slip into darkness, but she heard an unfamiliar voice from the doorway of the motel room.

"Alright, that's enough."

Suddenly, the shaggy-haired man was thrown off her.

Melina reached up to place her hand on her throat, sucking air back into her lungs with a pained grimace. She snapped back to reality and looked over at Tyler, preparing to jump up and help him.