
"Good evening il mio piccolo gattina! Sorry for waking you up from your slumber but...Err...You've slept too long...too long for my liking! You know, seeing your drenched white skin underneath that rag, I mean seeing those cute apricots peeking through the see through cloth, I'm remembering a line, wanna listen?? It's specially for you kitten! Here is the line for the beauty...Roses are red and sky is blue, now just tell me how should I fuck you?? N-no no don't be scared! I won't fuck you right now!! I won't actually...until I get you FULLY SUBMITTED UNDER MY FEET AS MY OFFICIAL SLAVE...Don't worry, Margaret will teach you everything! She's my personal toy",he winked at me while passing me a sly gruesome smile. I tried my best to not get tensed by his malicious comment. The pain was shattering my strength to even keep my eyes open. My body was shivering involuntarily due to extreme icy water and my feet, I couldn't even feel if it was there or not!! It went completely numb and bluish due to lack of blood supply.

If I don't find any hellish way to escape from this dark puddle, then that day is not far away when I'll be truly slaughtered by this ravishing beast...!

My senses again started blurring and eventually my body gave up and once again, I felt myself drowning in that cold water! When I fluttered my eyes open, I found myself in a different environment...

I was lying on a fluffy mattress with a warm duvet covering my...my naked self???

"So you finally regained your consciousness little one? Here, wear these and step downstairs...And yes, Don't try to show your over smartness otherwise you'll find yourself in the news headlines tommorow, A young petite girl found dead and naked; fuckin' raped near the streets garbage disposal area...",she let out a nasty laugh and left strutting while tapping her 6 inch heels against the hardwood, swaying her fake booty in air...

I instantly held my throbbing head in my palms and let the tears silently stream down my cheeks. I felt weak and I felt hopeless that I couldn't save myself out of this ugly situation!! My teary gaze abruptly swept across the thin lacy fabric lying on the bed. Was it even entitled to be called a dress?? It was a piece of cloth that can barely cover my curves and cleavage!! I instantly removed the duvet off me and out of anguish, I tore the slutty dress in half...

Now I felt a bit relieved on seeing it's torn status. Draping the comforter around my body, I dragged my limp body towards the washroom and locked myself in there. I knew that I would be punished after my fierce act but in either way, I'm trapped! Slumping against the tiled wall, I closed my eyes, my stomach doing summersaults in starvation!

How would they be treating grandma? Is my father knowing that we're abducted? Thousands of questions were running in my mind when I heard a loud bang on the door!! My senses to function seemed shattering as the banging got louder and even harder. My pupils dilated when I saw the door being opened with a creak and the darkly atrocious figure standing behind it.

"So you're hiding here in the toilet, bitch??",he seethed clenching his jaws followed by a deathly eerie silence with the sound of only my elevated heartbeat audible...

"I-I...I w-w...wa...s...",I stuttered terribly, sweating under his intense creepy lusty gaze scanning me from top to bottom, finally landing on my exposed thigh, eyeraping me!

"Shh..! Don't open your piehole until I say you so gattina!",he took a step closer finally evading my personal space and before I could take a step back, he grabbed my left thigh abruptly in a tight hold making a whimper escape my lips..

"Pl...please s-sir l...le...",I gasped when I felt his hands sliding underneath my duvet and before I could jerk his hand away, he digged his nails deep inside my flesh. My skin tearing due to the shear pain of his torment but instead of loosening his hold, he tightened it even more moulding my body against his.

I looked towards his dark emerald orbs with tears glistening my eyes in hope to let go of my waist and instantly I felt his hands caressing my back!

"Why did you tore that dress baby?",he asked in a hushed tone while cupping my face. I instantly cocked my eyebrows frowning seeing his sudden change of demeanor! Is he sick or is it a joke? I peeked through my lashes to see if he's tryin' being sarcastic here but his face looked dead serious.

I instantly looked away and kept my lips sealed! He's the reason for I'm suffering terribly and my family too. I won't ever surrender!!

"You don't understand easy language, right? Only belts can teach you on how to respond to your master!!!",he bellowed flaring his nostrils in fury. Immediately clutching my forearms in steel grip, he started roughly dragging me out of the washroom, with my duvet eventually slipping away from my hold...

"No...no pl...please please sto-stop!!! Ah!! I-I tore it Bec-because I-It was t...too revealing...",I finally uttered breaking down in humiliation, pain and anguish!! His hold loosening finally, my body abruptly falling on the hardwood with a loud thud. A groan escaped my lips when my butt made contact with the rug.

"Oh! I see...you're highly a dignified girl, hmm?",his tone laced with sarcasm while his hooded eyes were stuck on my face, scanning my facial expressions...

He briskly held my nape tightly in his large calloused hand, forcing my neck to twist and turn around facing the wall and immediately I felt something slipping against my clavicle.

It was a leather spike studded choker or rather a Collar to mark me as his bound slave!! He looked at it with gratification visible in his evil eyes while tracing its edges with his thumb.

"Will you again retort wearing that dress?",he chuckled while sniffling my hair and instantly threw me on the bed, immediately hovering over my petite form. His eyes levelling my face grew a shade darker when he eyed my exposed cleavage. I instantly brought my shaky hands to his chest to push him away but before I could, he promptly seized my wrists, fastening them above my head!

My eyes widening in apprehension when I couldn't move my hands nor my feet which was crushed under his heavyweight.

"D-don't do t-this...please!! Please l-let me go..",I wailed when I felt his grimy tongue trailing wet open mouth kisses all over my collar bone to my left half exposed breast. Cupping it harshly, he looked towards my teary eyes, feeling relished after seeing my crumbled and teary state, his sinful lips curving into a malicious smirk...

"This is what I wanted to see in your eyes. The terror of me, the feeling that you're lying at my mercy and I can anytime use and throw you away like a piece of tissue. I love to break your every ounce of self esteem!! And looks like I'm getting success!!!",he chuckled malevolently while placing his lips finally on my bottom lip and instantly a loud shriek escaped my lips. He bit me!!

"Arrivederci gattino! Ti mando un altro vestito ed essere pronta nei prossimi dieci minuti altrimenti...sai cosa sono capace di fare con quel tuo corpicino sexy!!! Be ready till 7:30! I'm sending Margaret with another dress. She'll tell you everything!!" ("Good bye kitten! I'm sending you another dress and be ready in next ten minutes otherwise...you know what I'm capable of doing with that little sexy body of yours!!!"),he whispered wickedly against my ear while caressing the collar wounded around my neck; finally licking my bloody lips and left tout de suite...

Hola lovelies...

Happy Mafia Monday and if you liked it then do press the ⭐ button and drop your feedbacks in comment. Also tell your probability/thoughts if they ever will be together or not in the future!!

Till then take care and safe reading...